Contemplating New Challenges

I shouldn’t even think about doing any other challenges but they are just so fun how can I resist. There are two challenges that I’ve been thinking about lately and one was as a result of watching a couple of good movies.

Recently I saw Evening based on the novel by Susan Minot and I quite liked the film. The setting was gorgeous and some of the messages about friendship and family were really meaningful to me. Then, this weekend I watched Everything is Illuminated based on the book by Jonathan Safran Foer and I loved the idea of a “collector”, and I must add the soundtrack to this film to my iTunes.

So these movies have made me want to read the novels they were based on which means I might as well join the Book to Movie Challenge that Callista is hosting don’t you think? I’d just need to select one more book to read but that shouldn’t be too difficult.

The other challenge I found out via Dorothy’s blog and that’s the Outmoded Authors challenge. I already have books by Sybille Bedford, May Sarton and Elizabeth Bowen which have all been sitting on my shelves for way to long. This would be the perfect time to finally read these authors.
Both challenges start September 1st so I still have time to think about these, and hopefully still a bit of time to make some progress in my current challenges even if I don’t finish them. What do you think? I should just join in anyway right? Decisions, decisions…

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New Books

On my drive to work this morning I caught part of Nancy Pearl’s book feature on NPR. I love it when she’s on NPR and wish she was on more often. She’s always so excited about the books she recommends and it’s great that she also features books that perhaps aren’t so well known. For example, have you heard of Dingley Falls by Michael Malone? I’d never heard of it but I want to read it now.

Anyway that was a good way to start my morning and my drive back home was also a bookish one as I had to stop at the library to pick up some holds. I really should have cancelled these because I just don’t see myself reading them before they are due back. I want to but I’ve got a lot of others I want to get through first, still you never know.

My holds were these:

Off to catch up on my current books.

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One Book

I didn’t get very much reading done this weekend as I was spending a lot of time with my mom celebrating her birthday on Friday. We did a bit of shopping and spent a good bit of time watching telenovelas and some other shows. My husband and I did make it to the bookstore for a date night but surprisignly we walked out without a book purchase. Maybe the heat just really messed with our minds.

Anyway, I did manage to finish one book, Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. Oh wow was I disappointed with this book. I know I expected a lot after all this is the third in the series that started off with Twilight, which I really loved. But, I was surprised to find some of the characters that I liked all of a sudden become very annoying, and I certainly didn’t care for the conflict between Bella, Edward and Jacob. Most of all the one thing I was expecting in this book to happen didn’t happen. For those of you who are fans I think you know what I mean.

I won’t go in to the book as I don’t want to spoil it for anyone but for those of you who read it, did you like it? A fourth book in the series is planned but I think I’ll wait for reviews before checking that one out.

Ah well, I’ve got some other books to go back to and hopefully they’ll turn out better than this one.

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