
I’ve spent most of the weekend reading and doing a bit of organizing around the house. I feel so accomplished, I finally finished three books that had been lingering on my nightstand for quite a while. I promise to tell you about those soon but let me just say I’m one book away from completing the Summer Mystery Reading Challenge. Isn’t that great?

Also, part of the organizing means I’ve culled down my shelves a bit, and I now have a stack of books to donate to the annual library book sale. My shelves are still overflowing and according to my Bookpedia file I have 858 books (read and unread). I’m pretty sure I have more than that because I know some books haven’t made into my database.

Now it’s time to select the last book for the Mystery Challenge. Ooh, that’s a challenge in itself. Am I in the mood for a cozy, a historical or how about a police procedural. Hmm, I think I’ll find something among those 858 books. I’ll let you know tomorrow which book I ended up choosing.

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In the Mood to Mooch

I’ve been a Zyrtec zombie today. I was having some allergies and had to take some medicine, something I try to avoid. It works great for my allergies but it makes me tired. It was all I could do to not fall asleep at work which pretty much meant that reading at lunch time was out. So, the next best thing was to spend some time mooching books.

I have quite a few points and have been saving them but it’s hard to get your hands on some of the newer or popular books. So I started looking for older books and found some that I liked. Here’s what I mooched.

  • No Angel by Penny Vincenzi. I’ve heard Danielle talk about this book before so it’s been on my radar for a while.
  • They Found Him Dead by Georgette Heyer. I read an article about Heyer’s mysteries in Mystery Scene magazine some time ago and have been looking for some of her mysteries since then but haven’t found any in the bookstores. I’m very curious what this story will be like.
  • I Love You Like A Tomato by Marie Giordano. What a title. I couldn’t pass that one up.
  • Quieter than Sleep by Joanne Dobson. One of the members in my mystery book group recommended this one.

Now to make some room for the new books. I did notice that the library had their bins out for book donations so I think I need to put a few books aside to donate.

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Contemplating New Challenges

I shouldn’t even think about doing any other challenges but they are just so fun how can I resist. There are two challenges that I’ve been thinking about lately and one was as a result of watching a couple of good movies.

Recently I saw Evening based on the novel by Susan Minot and I quite liked the film. The setting was gorgeous and some of the messages about friendship and family were really meaningful to me. Then, this weekend I watched Everything is Illuminated based on the book by Jonathan Safran Foer and I loved the idea of a “collector”, and I must add the soundtrack to this film to my iTunes.

So these movies have made me want to read the novels they were based on which means I might as well join the Book to Movie Challenge that Callista is hosting don’t you think? I’d just need to select one more book to read but that shouldn’t be too difficult.

The other challenge I found out via Dorothy’s blog and that’s the Outmoded Authors challenge. I already have books by Sybille Bedford, May Sarton and Elizabeth Bowen which have all been sitting on my shelves for way to long. This would be the perfect time to finally read these authors.
Both challenges start September 1st so I still have time to think about these, and hopefully still a bit of time to make some progress in my current challenges even if I don’t finish them. What do you think? I should just join in anyway right? Decisions, decisions…

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