I didn’t get very much reading done this weekend as I was spending a lot of time with my mom celebrating her birthday on Friday. We did a bit of shopping and spent a good bit of time watching telenovelas and some other shows. My husband and I did make it to the bookstore for a date night but surprisignly we walked out without a book purchase. Maybe the heat just really messed with our minds.
Anyway, I did manage to finish one book, Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer. Oh wow was I disappointed with this book. I know I expected a lot after all this is the third in the series that started off with Twilight, which I really loved. But, I was surprised to find some of the characters that I liked all of a sudden become very annoying, and I certainly didn’t care for the conflict between Bella, Edward and Jacob. Most of all the one thing I was expecting in this book to happen didn’t happen. For those of you who are fans I think you know what I mean.
I won’t go in to the book as I don’t want to spoil it for anyone but for those of you who read it, did you like it? A fourth book in the series is planned but I think I’ll wait for reviews before checking that one out.
Ah well, I’ve got some other books to go back to and hopefully they’ll turn out better than this one.
I read a hundred pages of Eclipse and got annoyed. I was really disappointed, this book just seems like filler for me. I thought the love triangle was over with in New Moon, I really think that this book could have gone in a different direction and done something different.
I haven’t read the book but I’ve seen reactions similar to yours all over blogland. It’s unfortunate when a well-beloved series goes downhill like that 🙁
Awww, I’m sorry to hear you didn’t like it. I was at the opposite end of the spectrum, and found it the best of the series thus far. I loved the Jacob/Edward/Bella thing, but I’m a big Jacob fan, so that probably helped.
Glad you had fun with your mom and doesn’t it just stink when a book disappoints you after having high hopes for it?
Hopefully you have a few current reads to make up for it!
Hmmm. I never got around to the second in the series, so I have some catching up to do.
argh!!! mine hasn’t arrived yet!
Kailana – I agree, I thought the love triangle had been resolved in book two. Don’t know why we had to have more of that in this book.
Nymeth – This series has really taken a dive for me. I went from totally loving book one, liked book two but this one just didn’t cut it for me.
Andi – I remember you said Jacob was your favorite! I like the character in book two (not as much as Edward – Team Edward!) but in this book he really annoyed me. I did feel a bit sorry for him in the very end though. Anyway glad you enjoyed the book though!
Christine – The current ones are better 🙂 And, yes had a good time with mom and we even found some bargains!
jenclair – I’d love to hear your thoughts on the books.
Heather – Poor you! Hope it gets there soon so you can tell us what you think.
I can see this happening with Eclipse. I had a bit of that feeling after the last book. I am so looking forward to her Sci-Fi book. I think it’s called Host.
My niece is reading Eclipse now and I will get it next weekend. She is so in love with Edward I hope she is not disappointed. Especially since we are reading City of Bones and it is so good. It made “Love” status for her. I am at “Liking A Lot” status with it.
You left the bookstore without a new book? Wow, the heat really must have messed up your brain! 🙂
I was also less than thrilled with Eclipse. I can’t believe you left the bookstore without any books. How did you manage that one? And can you teach me how to do that???
“I was surprised to find some of the characters that I liked all of a sudden become very annoying”
Isn’t it amazing how a character can become a real person to us? Think of it on the sunny side, that you’re annoyed bespeaks the fact that the author has succeeded. 🙂
Nancy – That’s right I forgot about the sci-fi book she’s writing. I want to hear what your niece thinks about Eclipse.
Stefanie – I tell you the heat is bad 🙂
Sassymonkey – Ha,ha… I think it was just a one time event. And, yep, still disappointed over Eclipse.
Matt – Aha! I hadn’t thought of it that way. Well, I think I’ll just pretend this book didn’t happen and remember Twilight instead. Now that was a good read.
I read Twilight and didn’t feel compelled to read any further. My 18-yr-old daugher finished Eclipse this morning at 8 after reading all night. She’s a bit down hearted today but I think she’s planning to read the 4th. She got on the internet to find out when it was coming out, then moaned loudly when she learned it wasn’t until Fall 2008. Oh, teen angst!
booklogged – Ah, teen angst 🙂 So which boy does your daughter like? Is she an Edward or Jacob fan?
I was going to buy this (just waiting until it was not so hot to walk to the bookstore), but after all the things I have been reading I ended up just putting my name on the library list (so it will take forever for me to get it). I thought this was the last book and that everything would be resolved. I am disappointed to hear the story is being dragged out more. Sometimes I think authors take a story too far and they lose readers when they just rehash the same old storyline!
Danielle – Definitely wait to get the book from the library. I was so disappointed with it. I think I’ve only read one positive review so far from a fellow book blogger. I agree, there are times when a series should really be shorter. Just coming up with new books doesn’t always mean it’s a good thing.