I’ve Been Tagged

Jenclair and Matt tagged me on the 8 Random Facts/Habits About You meme.
The rules –

  • Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
  • People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
  • At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
  • Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

1. I used to play the violin. Sadly my violin has been neglected for years and years.
2. My dad was a chef and my mom a seamstress. I can’t cook nor sew.
3. I’m an only child. Was I spoiled rotten? Not in material things but definitely given lots of attention.
4. I love to wear jewelry. Nothing fancy just funky necklaces, dangly earrings, etc. but I don’t wear a watch. I haven’t worn one in 6-7 years and I don’t miss it.
5. One day I want to live in Germany.
6. I love to learn new things and take classes. On my list of things I want to learn are: papermaking, silkscreen printing, sewing, jewlery beading, and the list goes on.
7. I started wearing glasses when I was 12 and was so super happy when I got contacts at 17.
8. I’m a pen junkie. Colored pens, ball-point, gel, and dare I say even glitter ink ones. I can never have enough.

    Next I’m tagging:
    Andi – Estella’s Revenge
    Nancy – Live.Love.Read
    Tanabata – In Spring it is the Dawn
    Heather – A High and Hidden Place
    Danielle – A Work in Progress
    Dark Orpheus – Orpheus Sings the Electric Guitar
    aka Nik – Keep this on the DL
    Melissa – Book Nut

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Up For Consideration

I said I wasn’t going to put together a list for the Summer Mystery challenge but I will list some of the books I’m considering. Here are some new-to-me authors who I’ve been meaning to read for the longest time.

Those are just some of the titles that I think would be fun to read. I like having the freedom to read at whim so that’s why I’m not chosing a stack ahead of time. Watch, none of these will be the ones that I end up reading. Anyway, I’ll be sure to let you know which books I’m chose as I go along.

Oh and if you’ve read any of these and can recommend them please do so!

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Progress Report

I have finished book two of my Once Upon a Time Challenge, Artemis Fowl, so three more to go. Yikes. Artemis Fowl was had it’s moments but I wasn’t overly thrilled with it. I hope my next book in the challenge will be more to my taste.

In other challenge news, I finally started reading a chunkster. I chose The Hummingbird’s Daughter by Luis Alberto Urrea. I’m enjoying this book so much. I feel like I could be sitting in my grandmother’s kitchen while she made hot chocolate and was recounting this story to me. I haven’t read anything set in Latin America in a long time and it’s just so nice to visit again.

As far as Don Quixote, well, let’s just say my plan to read about 50 pages a week hasn’t gotten off to a very good start. I’m only at page 45 but what I’ve read so far I’ve liked. I plan to continue just at a slow pace obviously.

I’m also reading another Inspector Banks novel, Innocent Graves, which is the eighth book in the series. I still have a ways to go before I catch up as there are 16 books in the series.

I’m off to read some more before going to sleep. Oh but which book do I read this evening? Such difficult decisions. Heh.

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