Jenclair and Matt tagged me on the 8 Random Facts/Habits About You meme.
The rules –
- Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
- People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
- At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
- Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. I used to play the violin. Sadly my violin has been neglected for years and years.
2. My dad was a chef and my mom a seamstress. I can’t cook nor sew.
3. I’m an only child. Was I spoiled rotten? Not in material things but definitely given lots of attention.
4. I love to wear jewelry. Nothing fancy just funky necklaces, dangly earrings, etc. but I don’t wear a watch. I haven’t worn one in 6-7 years and I don’t miss it.
5. One day I want to live in Germany.
6. I love to learn new things and take classes. On my list of things I want to learn are: papermaking, silkscreen printing, sewing, jewlery beading, and the list goes on.
7. I started wearing glasses when I was 12 and was so super happy when I got contacts at 17.
8. I’m a pen junkie. Colored pens, ball-point, gel, and dare I say even glitter ink ones. I can never have enough.
Andi – Estella’s Revenge
Nancy – Live.Love.Read
Tanabata – In Spring it is the Dawn
Heather – A High and Hidden Place
Danielle – A Work in Progress
Dark Orpheus – Orpheus Sings the Electric Guitar
aka Nik – Keep this on the DL
Melissa – Book Nut
Great list! I do wish I had paid more attention to my mother when she tried to teach me to sew–and keeping me in the kitchen when I was growing up was impossible! Two skills I have never mastered, but wish I had.
Woohoo! I’ll do mine tomorrow. 🙂
I’m a pen junkie, too! I even like the glittery ones.
Fun! I love memes. And I share your desire to want to live in Germany. It’s a really beautiful, and in my opinion, under-rated country.
I’ve got so many coloured pens, including some glittery ones, it’s actually quite embarassing! I’ll get to this in the next couple of days or so.
I’m a pen junkie too. From vintage fountain pens to Sakura glitter gel pens.
I wear glasses but would never consider contacts – I get a bit weird about putting things near my eyes…
Ooohhh I’ve been tagged twice! So cool! I’ll get on it.
My grandmother could cook and sew. I can sorta cook, but definitely can’t sew. I wish I could. With a little daughter I’ve often wished I could make her cute dresses and such. I am a total pen junkie too. My hubby fusses everytime I bring home new pens. But they are so pretty!
I love pens too – but most of all, fountain pens, that are usually too expensive to buy, so I just drool over fountain pen magazines and visit the stores to stare at the beautiful pens.
I’m the complete opposite on the watch thing. I have to wear a watch, I’m pretty much lost all day if I somehow forget to put one on. I also kind like to collect them, or I would if I could afford to!
Like Matt, I feel lost without my watch, too. Guess it is just a matter of habit, as I look at it without registering the time as often as not. Love to take classes and learn stuff, too. Wish I were in an area that offered more craft classes, but maybe one day I’ll actually get to John Campbell School and take some classes.
Thanks for playing!
Andi – Yay, and pen junkies unite 🙂
aka Nik – Thank you for playing. I don’t think I ever thought of Germany much as a destination before either until I met my husband and have gotten to see so much of Germany now. I love it.
Tanabata – Can’t wait to read your answers!
Quixotic – Ooh vintage fountain pens are so pretty aren’t they.
Heather – Think of all the girly dresses you can make for your little one 🙂 I want to learn how to sew but I can’t take classes from my mom. I tried once and that was a disaster. ha,ha.
Dark Orpheus – Those pen magazines are evil. Showing us all the pretty things we can’t have 🙂
Matt – Another pen collector – yay! And, thanks for the tag.
Jenclair – Oh I would LOVE to take classes at the folk school. One of my dreams!
I used to play the violin as well. 🙂 Miss it a lot. I really want to start lessons again, when I have an income and can afford them!
So how did you manage to have a seamstress mother and not learn to sew? My mom was not a seamstress but sewed all of my and my sister’s clothes when we were small. I sort of learned to sew by osmosis and because Barbie needed new clothes 🙂
Eva – That is too cool. I keep saying that one of these days when I have more time I’ll pick it up again. Don’t know when that will ever happen as I keep acquiring new hobbies 🙂
Stefanie – Oh man, I guess I should amend my answer because I did make Barbie clothes too! But the one time I tried to make a sundress I bought at least a yard of extra fabric and I still came up short when I placed the pattern down. So sad.
I was so excited when I finally got my contacts, too. I haven’t sewn anything beyond a loose button since my junior high Home Ec class!
So many pen junkies! Me too, especially fountain pens.
And another violin player from way back. I still play (well, I call it playing) when I can get my hands on a violin.
As for cooking & sewing, I nearly flunked home ec. in school, I was so dreadful at both. But now, they are two of my favourite things. Strange!
I do find these memes so fascinating! I finally got contacts when I was 23 and working in a bookstore. I couldn’t read the titles of the books on the top shelf and I was far too vain to wear my glasses. It was wonderful to be able to see clearly and to stop greeting people who turned out on closer inspection to be complete strangers.
Hi, Iliana, have done my meme. It’s really long – because I love talking about myself. ;p
But yeah – it’s fun doing this meme thing. Thanks for tagging me!
I just love reading these interesting lists! I got glasses around age 9 or 10. I was one of those people who put glasses on and were truely amazed to find out what the world looked like. I never liked wearing them though, and was *thrilled* to get contacts at age 14.
My daughter is an only child, like you. She definitely gets LOTS of attention, and it will be interesting to see her perspective on it as she gets older. Did you enjoy being an only child?
I always wanted to learn how to play the violin, too!! I never have tried. I did take one piaon lesson when I was little. Yes, just one. I had to learn how to play some piece and I apparently couldn’t or didn’t want to, so my mom didn’t pressure me to go back. That is the extent of my musical education! 🙂
All good stuff Chica. If you only had more free time, huh?!! 🙂
Lesley – I love contacts. I still have glasses but really don’t like wearing them 🙂
Melanie – That’s great that you still play. I would like to take lessons again. Maybe it would all come back! ha.
Litlove – Oh that’s too funny. Without my contacts I’m totally lost!
Dark Orpheus – Loved reading your answers and thank you for playing!
Tara – I enjoy doing these but it gets harder to come up with stuff the longer I’ve had a blog. ha,ha. I did enjoy being an only child growing up but now that I’m older and dealing with an aging parent I do wish I had a sibling who’d help me just sort though things you know. Well, especially as all of our family is in another country. Oh well.
Danielle – and, I always wanted to play the piano! ha,ha..
Christine – Yes, where is that free time darn it?! 🙂
Oh, I’m into funky necklaces and Bakelite bracelets. I have a collection of really cool old beads that I should someday make into earrings and necklaces, thanks for reminding me.
Love your list.
I used to play the violin, too, in 3rd and 4th grades. Then I played the flute until 12th. Now my flute, like your violin, is sadly neglected.
I have a giant list of things I want to learn as well.
thanks for the tag. I did it!