Book Loot

Before I show you my book finds I wanted to let Eva know that she won the ARC of Free For All and Julie got Immortal. Thank you so much for being interested in those books so just send me an email with your address and I’ll get those out this weekend. Hopefully I’ll have more ARCs to share – I guess I just need to read faster! ha,ha.

Now on to the book loot. Here’s a pic of the 26 books for $26!


There are quite a few Elizabeth George books so you are right to assume that I really enjoyed A Great Deliverance and now want to read more in the series. I need to post my review so stay tuned. I also found a few books in the Richard Jury series by Martha Grimes which I like.

I had to snatch up Up at the Villa as I remember Matt reviewed it a while back. Same thing for Witch Child which TY reviewed recently and Coraline which Stephanie reviewed a few days ago. My other major finds were Angelica, Everything Is Illuminated, The Glass Castle and One Good Turn — it seems I can never find those books on BookMooch or at Half Price Books.

Finally, I got a couple of other mysteries and fiction books which sounded good and had been on my radar. It was a great time at the book sale, but now I have to figure out where to put these books. Sigh.

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A Very Bookish Day

Today has been a most wonderful bookish day. I started off my morning by going to an annual book sale hosted by a local PTA and walked away with a bag filled with books. The sale is going on through the weekend so I’m going to save my book finds post until I go back for another round of book shopping.

After lunch I hurried off to my bookbinding class where I spent most of the afternoon sewing the 25 signatures for my chunky book. I worked a bit on the spine and next week I get to work with leather for the covers. Woot!

The big event though was going to listen to Billy Collins speak at a local university campus. I know I’ve talked about how much I admire his poetry so finally getting to hear him read his poetry was really quite a thrill. He read poems from his latest book, The Trouble With Poetry, and had the audience laughing and nodding their heads at the wit and poignancy found in his words.

He read haikus, read poems about dogs, and even read a poem about the fanciful names of gated communities. Seriously, if you have never read any of his poems please do so. After the poetry reading I got in line with one of my favorite books, Taking Off Emily Dickinson’s Clothes, and got him to sign it for me. I was pretty star-struck so I think I only managed to say something about being thrilled to be there.

I’m off to wind down from my bookish high and so I leave you with a Collins poem to enjoy.

You know that parlor trick.
Wrap your arms around your own body
and from the back it looks like
someone is embracing you,
her hands grasping your shirt,
her fingernails teasing your neck.

From the front it is another story.
You never looked so alone,
your crossed elbows and screwy grin.
You could be waiting for a tailor
to fit you for a straitjacket,
one that would hold you really tight.

~ Embrace from Taking Off Emily Dickinson’s Clothes by Billy Collins

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Books Finished

I’ve finished a few books recently which I’ve enjoyed overall and one that I found just fantastic, The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence. I’m going to save up my thoughts on that one for a few more days but just a reminder that the Slaves of Golconda will be discussing this book on Friday. So mark your calendars and join in!

I also finished Immortal by Traci L. Slatton which I found to be a quick and enjoyable read. There were just a couple of things I wasn’t too thrilled about, mainly some of the violence but I enjoy books set in Italy and this one had a nice way of weaving in the lives of real people with the fictional characters. Here’s my review.

Another book I finished was Free for All by Don Borchert. I think this one would appeal to anyone who loves the library. That would be all of us right? It was a fun and light read. Here’s my review.

These two were ARCs so I’d love to share those with anyone who’s interested in them. Leave me a comment and I’ll draw some names in a couple of days.

Speaking of ARCs, here are some new ones waiting for me which I’m quite excited about: Maggie Again by John Husband, Irreparable Damages by Karlene Heinkel and Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith.

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