Books Finished

I’ve finished a few books recently which I’ve enjoyed overall and one that I found just fantastic, The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence. I’m going to save up my thoughts on that one for a few more days but just a reminder that the Slaves of Golconda will be discussing this book on Friday. So mark your calendars and join in!

I also finished Immortal by Traci L. Slatton which I found to be a quick and enjoyable read. There were just a couple of things I wasn’t too thrilled about, mainly some of the violence but I enjoy books set in Italy and this one had a nice way of weaving in the lives of real people with the fictional characters. Here’s my review.

Another book I finished was Free for All by Don Borchert. I think this one would appeal to anyone who loves the library. That would be all of us right? It was a fun and light read. Here’s my review.

These two were ARCs so I’d love to share those with anyone who’s interested in them. Leave me a comment and I’ll draw some names in a couple of days.

Speaking of ARCs, here are some new ones waiting for me which I’m quite excited about: Maggie Again by John Husband, Irreparable Damages by Karlene Heinkel and Daughter of York by Anne Easter Smith.

  1. February 27, 2008
  2. February 27, 2008
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  15. February 28, 2008
  16. February 28, 2008
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  18. February 28, 2008