Lazy Girl

We’ve had some cold, rainy days this weekend which left me wanting to do nothing else other than stay in bed and read. Granted, I ended up watching some movies too so my reading was interrupted a lot.

I did finish The Owl Service and can’t wait to see how the discussion goes. Unfortunately I didn’t like it much but I will save my ramblings on the book until then. For anyone who has read it or is still planning to, don’t forget to join in the Slaves of Golconda discussion on November 30th.

I read a couple of stories from The Museum of Dr. Moses by Joyce Carol Oates. Interesting. I can see why one reviewer said that the stories are more macabre than suspenseful. I don’t typically read short stories but I like these and will hopefully finish the book before I have to return it to the library.

Finally the other book I picked up, A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian, is a read for my foreign authors book group which meets next week. The book starts with this: “Two years after my mother died, my father fell in love with a glamorous blond Ukrainian divorcee. He was eighty-four and she was thirty-six. She exploded into our lives like a fluffy pink grenade…” Heh, I’m really enjoying this one and am already half way through it.

Now let me see if I can get organized and energized this week to finally write up some book reviews. I have finished at least six books in the last two weeks that I still haven’t written about. Yikes. What’s worse is that some of these are really good books I need to tell you about.

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I ended up not getting in as much reading as I thought I would. I got motivated to do some crafting instead so I spent a good part of the day gluing book boards and folding paper. Sounds exciting doesn’t it?

As far as reading goes, I had to restart The Owl Service. I have to say that the book had me a bit confused and then I put it away to read some other books so now that I finally went back to it I thought it’d be best to restart it. I think it was the smart thing to do. Hopefully I will finish it this weekend.

So is anyone going shopping tomorrow or are you all avoiding the malls? I am going to do the majority of my Christmas shopping on Etsy or at the bookstores so I’m not going to the malls. My plans for tomorrow don’t involve major shopping, they do involve going to the bookstore though because well it’s Friday!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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Irrational Behavior

As it’s Thanksgiving the public library is going to be closed for two days, so what do I do today? Well, make a run to the library to stock up on books of course. I have plenty of reading material but I don’t need to explain book madness right?

Here’s what I got:

  • The Dragon Man by Garry Disher. This is a police procedural set in Australia. I do love crime/mysteries set outside of the U.S.
  • Forests of the Night by David Stuart Davies. Another mystery, this one is a whodunit set in WWII England.
  • The Museum of Dr. Moses by Joyce Carole Oates. Short stories of mystery and suspense. I haven’t read any Oates in a long time.

Hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving has a great one. I plan to read a lot and maybe dash out for some coffee. No big to-do at Casa Bookgirl but that’s kind of nice too you know.

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