Catching Up

Thank you so much for all the well wishes, prayers and good vibes sent. My grandmother is back in Mexico where she is getting the care she needs and has all the family around her she could want. It was a rough couple of days as my mom and I were the only ones taking care of my abuelita and she really needed help for everything as she couldn’t put any pressure on one leg. As you can imagine I’m still worried, keyed up and a bit tired from everything but again, your kind words have helped a lot.

So needless to say, not a lot of reading was done over the several days. Today however I have spent most of the day reading Little Tiny Teeth by Aaron Elkins as it’s the selection for my mystery book group which meets on Tuesday. And, guess who’s leading the discussion? Me! Needless to say, I need to hurry up and finish this and throw some questions together for tomorrow.

Oh and speaking of book discussions, the next Slaves of Golconda book for discussion is The Slaves of Solitude by Patrick Hamilton.

Alright, I can’t wait to catch up on blog visiting, emails and so many other things. I think housework will be last on my list – ha. Hope you are all having a great start of the week!

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Brief Break

I’m taking a few days off from the blog due to a small family emergency. My grandma fell and so I’m spending some time with her. I hope to be back to the blog over the weekend or early next week.

Hope you are all doing great and if you’ve got some extra well wishes you can spare I’d love some for my abuelita. Thank you!


P.S. I don’t have ready access to the internet either so forgive me if I’m behind in emails and all that good stuff.

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New Arrivals

Aside from the new books I added to the shelves this weekend, I’ve also been making room for some books that have come to me via friends and ARCs.

First, The Godmother by Carrie Adams which Lisa passed on to me. The book has a delightful cover and it sounds like a fun, fluffy story so I am looking forward to it. Thank you Lisa.

My dear friend Christine surprised me with a lovely edition of The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo. What makes this book super special is that she got it for me when she was on a trip to Paris recently and it came from the famous Shakespeare and Company bookstore. Don’t you just love the little stamp they put in the book? And, by the way, if you want to see some gorgeous photography of France (or elsewhere for that matter) check out Christine’s new photography site, Lightwash Studio. It is stunning!

On the ARC front, I’ve received Gifts of War by Mackenzie Ford. This is part of the BookBrowse First Impressions program. From Sourcebooks, I got My Cousin Rachel by Daphne DuMaurier. I’ve been wanting to read something by else by Daphne DuMaurier for so long. And, finally for an upcoming book blog tour I got Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford, which had been on my radar as soon as I’d heard about it.

I’m so excited about all of these books. Now, I guess I better get back to my current books so I can pick up something else to read soon.

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