Here’s another meme that’s been going around. Originally I saw this one at Carl V.’s but it was a bit more geared to sci-fi. Thanks to Tanabata and Danielle who’ve used a slightly modified version I can now play.
Hardback or trade paperback or mass market paperback? I prefer trade paperbacks. They are just the right size to carry around.
Amazon or brick and mortar? Nothing beats going to the bookstore but most of the time I find the books cheaper on Amazon. I probably do most of my new book shopping on line.
Barnes & Noble or Borders? The first one to come to town was Borders and I didn’t think B&N would ever live up to it. Borders used to carry poetry chapbooks by local poets. They had reading groups and they even had artwork by local artists featured in the café. Then I don’t know what happened but they stopped doing all of that. So, I started going to B&N too. Now I go to both stores on a regular basis.
Bookmark or dogear? Bookmark definitely. One of these days I’ll have to take a picture of my bookmark collection and show you.
Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random? Books I’ve read are alphabetized by author. My shelves with all the unread books, well that’s another story.
Keep, throw away, or sell? I keep books I’ve liked. I do sell a few to the Half Price Bookstore, I donate books to the library for their sales and now I’m enjoying BookMooch.
Keep dustjacket or toss it? Keep the dustjacket of course
Read with dustjacket or remove it? I leave it on.
Short story or novel? I prefer novels.
Collection (short stories by same author) or anthology (short stories by different authors)? Either one.
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? I haven’t read either one.Does it count if I’ve seen some of the Harry Potter films? I did like those.
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks? I prefer stopping at chapter breaks but sometimes sleep wins.
“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”? “It was a dark and stormy night”. Gotta love those scary stories.
Buy or Borrow? Both. I keep trying to avoid the lure of the library as I have 500+ unread books but I haven’t been successful.
New or used? Both, but I do buy more used books than new. I am a bit picky with my used books and will hardly ever buy a ratty copy.
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse? All three although thanks to all the wonderful book bloggers my TBR list is officially out of control.
Tidy ending or cliffhanger? I don’t have to have a tidy ending.
Morning reading, afternoon reading or nighttime reading? I am a night owl so I do most of my reading at night. Granted this usually results in me going to bed much later than I should and I am a total zombie most mornings.
Standalone or series? If it’s a mystery I love a series.
Favorite series? There are too many to name but high up on my list are the Maisie Dobbs and Inspector Rebus books.
Favorite books read last year? You can see all my favorites in this post.
Favorite books of all time? Oh no, this is the hardest question of all time. Some of my all time favorites include: Chocolat by Joanne Harris, The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel, Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez and The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro.
Everyone’s done this one by now right? Tomorrow I’m stopping by the library to pick up some holds. I’ll tell you what I got then.
‘I am a total zombie most mornings.’ Haha!! That SO describes me too. To fully enjoy a book, I only start reading anytime past 1pm (when I’m fully awake)..hehe! I have stayed up all night til dawn trying to finish a book, and usually pay for it the next day.
Hi, Iliana!
Yours is a truly beautiful blog! Loved reading the meme and your responses. I love going into bookstores, but when it comes to buying, it’s true, nothing can beat Amazon’s rates. I’d love to read at night, but sadly, I’m good for nothing after 10:00pm, so I guess I’m one of those morning birds!
Can’t wait to see some of your bookmarks!
I really really need to read Maisie Dobbs this year!
I’m not much of a morning person either, and it’s so nice to read at night when it’s all quiet. 🙂
Heh. I just did this one today too. Though I kept the SciFi version, of course. LOL
Oh, The Handmaid’s Tale is on our current poll for a February pick! Don’t forget to stop on by and vote!
Kisane – heh, the funny thing is I know I’ll pay for it in the morning but I delude myself thinking oh I’ll be fine 🙂
Lotus – Thank you so much! I will have to work on that picture 🙂
Tanabata – Oh you must. It is such a good series, especially the first two books.
SciFiChick – I’ll be checking your version. Maybe I’ll even find a scifi book to try.
Stephanie – That’s great. I haven’t read Handmaid’s Tale in years and it would be interesting to re-read it.
Would love to see pics of your bookmark collection!!!
Loved your answers, esp. “my TBR list is officially out of control”. Oh, yeah. LOL I still need to read The Handmaid’s Tale – haven’t gotten to that one, yet. Maisie Dobbs is on the list, too. Actually, most of your favorite books are on my shelf. I’ve read 100 Years of Solitude, but haven’t gotten around to Love in the Time of Cholera. Glad to hear you enjoyed that one!
We have very similar favorites. I also love the Esquivel book. I didn’t list Maisie as a favorite series, but she is–just slipped my mind! I like your idea of the books you’ve read having their own shelves. Of course if I did that I would be too depressed to see all the ones I haven’t read!!!
Carl V. – I’ll definitely take a picture one of these days to show those. Funny, how I have so many and I end up using the same ones over and over again.
Nancy – How did you like 100 Years of Solitude? That one I found very difficult and hard. Love in the Time of Cholera on the other hand was just fantastic. I hope you like it.
Danielle – I know, when I saw your list I was just nodding my head 🙂 Which is why I need to read Clare Chambers books 🙂
Yay for out of control TBR lists! I also want to hug you for having 500+ unread books. I have the same thing going out my house 🙂