bookgirl Archive

A Bit of Murder

I had a good time tonight visiting with one of my girlfriends and attending our mystery book group. The book, A Corpse in the Koryo, was pretty much given a thumbs down by everyone – click on the title for more of my thoughts. ...Read More

Catching Up

This weekend I’ve spent quite a bit of time catching up with my books but somehow I’m still behind. It wouldn’t be so bad but one of the books is for book group and I hate not reading the book in time. I’m reading ...Read More

Poetry Reading

Thanks to Ann I found out about the 3rd Annual Brigid in Cyberspace Poetry Reading. The what you say? Here are the details: What: A Bloggers (Silent) Poetry Reading When: Anytime February 2, 2008 Where: Your blog Why: To celebrate the Feast of Brigid, ...Read More