A Bit of Murder

I really meant to post on these great mysteries last night but I was glued to the NPR site waiting to hear the outcome of the election. Such a thrill!

And, speaking of thrills, how about some good mysteries to add to your must read list? I’ve finished several over the past couple of weeks and I know I’ve mentioned them here and there but now it’s time for a bit more on them:

serpentscorpion.jpgFirst up is the wonderful follow-up novel by Clare Langley-Hawthorne, The Serpent and the Scorpion. Last year I picked up the first Ursula Marlow book without really having heard much about it. All I knew was that it featured a strong woman sleuth and it was set in Edwardian times. That was enough for me. As you can see in my review it didn’t disappoint and I was eagerly awaiting the next one. When Clare contacted me to ask me if I’d like a review copy of her latest book, I jumped on that chance.

In this book, again Ursula struggles with what society dictates of her and her own wishes. I really enjoyed reading about her passion for her causes and her determination. Of course there is also a murder mystery in this book involving one of Ursula’s friends. Here’s my full review.

I think that what is notable in this series, is that I’m not just reading it for the mystery but to get a taste of women’s history. A great read and of course now I can’t wait until the next one.

funeralmusic2.jpgAnother good story was Funeral Music by Morag Joss. While the mystery wasn’t necessarily what I found to be the driving force behind this story I liked the characterizations, especially Sara the main character who has been going through an emotional breakdown. Not to mention that the city of Bath presents a wonderful setting for this mystery, I’ll leave you with a quote from the book and here’s my full review:

“She much preferred the daytime calm of the Pump Room, the white-clad tea tables under the chandelier, the fountain where the water was still pumped up for a pound a glass, the window with its view down to the hot, bubbling bath below. And although one could no longer enjoy the diverting sight of floating invalids bobbing scrofulosly in the healing waters, it was amusing to watch the happy trespass of the tourists, with their camcorders, phoney university sweatshirts and sweat suits, upon the late-eighteenth-century gentility of it all.”

deadoftheday2.jpg Last but not least, Dead of the Day is the third book in the Annie Seymour series. Author Karen E. Olson doesn’t disappoint with this entry at all, in fact I think it is the strongest one in the series yet. The whole mystery is much more complex web and to top if off Annie also is dealing with some personal issues. Here’s my full review.

I’m very excited that Karen will be doing a guest blog post here next week so please check back for that. In the meantime how about I leave with a teaser for her new book, Shot Girl:

“He looked better dead than alive. Can’t say that about many people. He seemed to be merely resting on his stomach on the sidewalk amid some cigarette butts and a broken martini glass, like he’d just lain down for a quick nap but hadn’t yet fallen asleep. His arms were twisted underneath him, his knees slightly bent in different directions, and his head turned to one side; a green olive looked like a growth off the top of his nose. It creeped me out. But it was like one of those train wrecks people are always talking about – I couldn’t stop staring. And as I looked more closely, I noticed what was conspicuously missing.”

Now, I’m off to spend some time on The Hidden Staircase. I just discovered this web site full of mystery reviews.

  1. November 6, 2008
  2. November 6, 2008
  3. November 6, 2008
  4. November 6, 2008
  5. November 6, 2008
  6. November 6, 2008
  7. November 6, 2008
  8. November 6, 2008
  9. November 6, 2008
  10. November 7, 2008
  11. November 7, 2008
  12. November 8, 2008