Well, I’m now very late to post anything on The Owl Service but If you want to read up on some fabulous reviews of this novel check out the Slaves of Golconda recent posts and of course visit the MetauxCafe forum to see what is being talked about.
I do want to give a big thank you to Ann for putting together a great list of books for us to choose from. While I didn’t enjoy the story very much because I found it confusing and I didn’t care for the characters, I’m still glad I read it. I think too, now that I’ve read so many other perspectives about it I’ve been able to make more sense out of it and what it was that bothered me about it.
Let’s see, I’m also wrapping up the Book to Movie Challenge which I didn’t get to finish but thank you to Callista for hosting it! I watched the movie Evening this summer and really enjoyed it and I thought the book was fabulous. I actually did read another book for this challenge but again just didn’t get around to mentioning it. I finished Shopgirl by Steve Martin a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was so well done and with a character I really felt a lot of sympathy for. The main character, Mirabelle, is described as an oddnik and one who replaces friends with books and television mysteries of the PBS kind. I did see the movie Shopgirl as well and definitely recommend it.
I still have some time before the Armchair Travel and the Outmoded Authors Challenges are over but that means I need to get with it. It doesn’t help that I see some new challenges out there in the blogosphere that I’m really excited about. Has everyone seen Dewey’s Graphic Novel challenge? Oh it’s good.
I’m working on my 5th book for the armchair challenge. It’s been so hectic with overland travel, I find myself falling alseep on the bus and didn’t do any reading.
I did finish the 770-page Anthony trollope book while I’m in kuala Lumpur. Yay! 🙂
Dewey’s graphic novel challenge is going to be fantastic! I hope lots of people join who haven’t read this kind of stuff before. I will certainly be able to finish this one easily as I read alot of comics and graphic novels throughout the year anyway!
The Dewey challenge is interesting.
Try this book that I loved.
WLT magazine did a big write up about graphic novels a few months ago.
Maybe your library has the old WLT copies.
Books like the Owl Service are always great for discussion–a lot more made sense for me as well after I read everyone’s posts and the discussion thread at the Metaxu Cafe.
I am so excited about the Graphic Novels challenge! And I just know that my wishlist will double its size because of it.
I also enjoyed Shopgirl, both the book and the movie. I probably even liked the movie a bit more, which is a rare thing!
I enjoyed the film Evening as well and would like to read the book. I really enjoyed the book Shop Girl and the movie – although probably the book a bit more (since a lot of it was sharing the thoughts going on in the characters minds). I like the idea of the Graphics Novel challenge – one genre I am not very familiar with!
See you tomorrow at book group.
Matt – You are almost there! I can’t believe you finished that tome! 🙂
Carl V. – I know I’m exited about because I’ve only read like 6 graphic novels. It’ll be great to check out some new ones.
Isabel – I have that issue! I’m going to look at it for some suggestions.
Danielle – I agree. I feel like I’ve learned so much more about the book reading everyone’s thoughts on it.
Nymeth – well, I definitely took a note of a lot of the books you mentioned 🙂 I need to buy Shopgirl to add it to my DVD collection. It was good.
Christine – I think you’d really enjoy Evening. Different from the movie but still very good. Have you thought anymore of the challenges – c’mon do one! Just being a bad influence – ha. See you at book group!
I loved Shopgirl. I actually saw the movie first and thought it was positively stunning (loved Claire Danes and Jason Schwartzman). The book was much better than I expected. I admit, I didn’t have much faith in Steve Martin! lol
I have heard great things about Shopgirl and Evening, although I haven’t read or seen either. Like Andi, I admit to not having much faith in Steve Martin’s writing ability, but if both you and she enjoyed the book, I guess I should read it too. 🙂
Andi – I still crack up if I think of that scene where Mirabelle & Jeremy are back at her place and um aren’t quite prepared to do the deed 🙂
Literary Feline – Believe me I also had lots of doubts about Steve Martin but I was so pleasantly surprised!
Ack! Another tempting challenge! I am performing so dismally at these, but I can’t seem to stop signing up for more. Good luck with yours!
Lesley – I know – ack! 🙂