Thanks to everyone who entered the drawing for a journal and art kit. I wish I could give out more but stay tuned as I’m sure I’ll have more goodies to share. Thanks to the winner is: Trish! Congrats! Send me an email with your choice of journal and I’ll get those out to you soon so you can start your journal journey.
So the last few posts have all been about acquiring books and I’ve not even told you what I’ve been reading. I finish Rosy Thornton’s novel, The Tapestry of Love, which was so enjoyable. The perfect book to read over the holiday rush because every time I opened the book it was to sink into a good comforting story. Review coming up next week.
I’m halfway through Family Album by Penelope Lively which is really an interesting look at how members of a family will see and remember events much differently. Words and/or actions can take on so many different meanings to each family member.
So now the weekend. I don’t have major plans which is a good thing as I can’t tell if I’ve got a slight cold or just allergies. Yuck. But hopefully that won’t stop me from going to see Fannie Flagg at BookPeople. I haven’t read any of her books in such a long time but I have fond memories of Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man so I would love to here about her latest book.
Have a great weekend and don’t forget to check in on my Fan Page for a journaling tip this Saturday. Get ready to go on an journal journey!
Congrats to Trish for winning the journal!
I hope you feel better soon, Iliana! It sucks to be sick when you’ve some plans ahead of you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 🙂
Let me see if I can coax Trish in to giving me her win 😀
I really want to try Rosy Thornton. I hope you get better soon and enjoy your weekend.
So glad you enjoyed Rosy’s book. And I have that Penelope Lively and have been wanting to read it for ages – MUST fit it in! Take care of yourself, rest up if you can.
congrats to Trish
I am looking forward to your journaling tips beginning tomorrow
Tell Fannie that I say “hey.” Still love Daisy Fay the best of anything she’s written.
I didn’t want to enter the contest to give somebody else a chance to win.
I am here to testify that BookGirl’s journals are durable, as well as pretty. I am rough with journals but mine has not fallen apart!!!
Seriously? Really? 😀 Thanks Iliana!
I loved Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man–Daisy Fay is such a fantastic character. I hope you feel better soon!
I absolutely loved Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe when I read it years ago. I even saw where it was filmed when it was made into a movie. Lucky you to be able to go hear her talk! Do report back. And I must read Rosy Thornton’s book–am I the last one? It sounds so good.
congrats to the winner 🙂
Enjoy your weekend!
I’m glad you liked the Thornton book! I thought it was great too.
I loved Tapestry of Love! 🙂
Melody – Well, it ended up being a cold. Ugh. I’ve been resting all weekend which is not a bad thing but I’m ready to be over this! Hope your weekend was much nicer 🙂
Veens – haha… Don’t worry, I’ll have more giveaways. I love doing them! Hope you had a good one!
litlove – I know I’ve read another Penelope Lively book and after this one I think I’ll have to read more. I wasn’t too sure at first but the more I’ve thought about it now that I finished it the more I liked it. Hope you’ll get to it soon!
Juliann – My tip is up and I hope it helps!
bookworm – I’ve been sick so I didn’t see Fannie. Boo. BookPeople has several authors stopping in this month though so hopefully I’ll get to see some others!
Isabel – Thank you girl! I can be pretty tough on my journals too and they do last. I even took one apart – tried to anyway and had a hard time doing so 🙂
Trish – Yes, you won! So excited for you. I’ll get your journaling kit out to you on Monday.
Danielle – Nothing to report. Couldn’t go see Fannie as my cold got a bit worse. Ugh. What a bummer but another time hopefully.
bookworm – I’ve been resting 🙂
Dorothy W. – It was so good wasn’t it? I need to do a write up of it and share.
Amanda – Yay, another Rosy fan 🙂
I like that idea of using a photo for the first page – I have some magazine pages I have kept as inspiration. That first page is always a hard one 🙂
Family Album sounds like a really interesting book. I hope you review it. Have a great week!
Yay, Trish! Iliana’s journal are so fantastic that I actually bought one and have not used it. lol I hate to mark it up… I was thinking the other day I should use this one and buy another one to not use. 🙂
Congratulations to Trish! I love my two journals, and I need to get back to the one I devoted to yoga because I’ve read some good stuff that I want to record.
So glad you liked Tapestry of Love. It is one of those cozy, comfortable books that just makes everything seem okay for a little while.
Juliann – that first page can be so intimidating sometimes. I think it’s because we want to make things perfect but so silly. We just need to dive in. I like the idea of a photo too!
Vasilly – I liked it quite a bit and will have a review of it up this week. I’m trying my hardest to stay on top of reviews this year!
Kailana – Thank you bunches! And, like I told you, you need to use yours! haha… You should see all the unused journals I have. I’m bad too 🙂
jenclair – Aw, thank you. And, hope you’ll post more about your yoga practice. Mine has been faltering quite a bit due to shoulder tendonitis but I’m still trying to breathe and carry on 🙂
Stefanie – So cozy wasn’t it? I read it right around the holidays and it was perfect to forget all the craziness all around.