Ah the weekend is so close and how wonderful is that? It’s been a long week. Still not used to working longer hours and the horrible commute I have at the end of the day but hopefully I’ll settle into the routine soon. Before I go on about weekend plans though I want to thank everyone who commented on my review and author Q&A. This time I wrote up the names, put them in a little box and drew a winner.
Congrats Vivienne! Send me your mailing address.
So what is everyone up to this weekend? One of my goals is to get caught up on blog reading. I feel like I’ve missed so much. Aside from yoga, date night at the bookstore and dinner with friends you know what else I want to prepare for? Virago Reading Week. I’ll probably do a whole other post for that as I may need help choosing a book.
On top of that I just realized that I have a week to read the latest Slaves of Golconda book, The Summer Book. I am looking forward to it a lot.
Alright, I think that’s it. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and more bookish stuff soon.
Happy reading, Iliana! Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂
Melody – You too! How is the bookshelf organizing going? 🙂
Thank you so much. I can’t wait to get my book. Yay me! Yay you!
I am almost done with The Summer Book and just started it on Tuesday and have only been reading it during my daily commute and lunch break. It is short and reads fast. Have a good weekend!
Yes, it has indeed been a Long week. And that with Monday off. I’m already dipping into my Viragos and will be starting Tove Jansson this weekend, too.
It was a shortened week for me but seemed extra long. The weekend couldn’t be more welcome! I hope you have a great weekend, Iliana!
Have a great weekend Iliana 🙂 I like how you drew a name out of the pretty little box. Congrats Viv.
vivienne – Yay! I got your email with your address and I’ll be mailing the book out to you this week. I hope you’ll like it!
Stefanie – Oh, I like to hear that it reads fast 🙂 I just hope I’ll have better luck with this Slaves book compared to some of the ones we read last year.
Danielle – I haven’t even picked up my Viragos but will probably settle down tomorrow and see what I have. I’m really excited about that.
Literary Feline – Thank you! I hope you enjoy yours too. I’ve already gone to yoga this morning and had a very nice time relaxing. But now I think I’m ready for a nap – haha.
bookworm – You too! Isn’t that little box cute? One of my cousins gave it to me.
Congrats to Vivienne! Happy reading to the both of you!
Hey! I’m selecting you for the Cherry on Top award. I have the award posted on my blog. 🙂 When you post it also post three things you like, then pass on the award to other blogs! 🙂
What a beautiful box! I have several heart-shaped pottery boxes in which I store various pieces of jewelry. Yours is lovely!
Hope you’re enjoying your weekend. I, too, have been trying to get caught up on my blog-hopping. I’ve also been working on a few book reviews. It’s been nice to have some free time…finally!!
Congrats on your new job! I hope things settle down and you get in your groove.
Congrats to Viv. That box is just so pretty:)
Vasilly – Thank you!
Ashley – Oh you are so sweet. I need to stop by and visit. Hope you had a great weekend.
Les in NE – Actually it’s not a new job but just went full time. Aside from getting used to longer hours the biggest change for me is the commute because I have to cut through downtown to get back home and Austin traffic is the worst. When I was working part time I avoided all the traffic but now I’m there with everyone. So my commute in the afternoon is easily an hour and that is making me a bit grumpy 🙂 Need to remember to put my yoga into action! ha…
Diane – Isn’t it sweet? I have it on my desk in the studio.
Sounds like the perfect opportunity for some audio books! 😉