I finished two books this weekend, Murder in Chinatown by Victoria Thompson and The Sonnet Lover by Carol Goodman. Both were good reads although I’ve liked some of their other books better. Still, I’ll be awaiting their next books. If you click on the book links you can see more of my thoughts on each.
Know what else I did? I finally posted pictures from my trip to Monterrey. That seems like ages ago. Hope you like the pics and thank you to my sweet husband who helped me post these.
Today while checking out news on the Internet I learned that Jane Magazine is closing shop with their August issue being the last one. I wasn’t a big fan of Jane but still it’s always a bit of a bummer to see another magazine bite the dust. All I have to say is that my crafty & indie magazines better be safe!
And, today was another good book day as my order from The Book Depository arrived! I got Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day by Winifred Watson. I’ve been wanting this book for a while and it’s nice to add it to my Persephone collection. The other two were Hesperus Press books, Life in the Country by Giovanni Verga and The Three-Cornered Hat by Pedro Antonio de Alarcon.
I think I’m in for some good reading.
Lucky you to get book mail!! I also have Miss Pettigrew and am looking forward to it. Glad to hear you liked the Goodman–her books are always pretty good. Usually they are a nice entertaining summertime read. I will have to check out your Hesperus books–I’m not familiar with those titles. Don’t you just love getting mail from abroad?!
I love seeing your photos! I agree with you about the sadness at seeing another magazine come to an end. Recently one of my subscriptions just ended ( Child magazine) so abruptly. What a fun package to receive from TBD! Miss Pettigrew is stil on my wish list.
Monterrey is so colorful. I love the old train station.
How were the book prices in the vending machines, as compared to bookstore prices?
What did you see in the Museum?
I loved your pics of Monterrey. I agree with Isabel, everything looks so colorful. I also liked how they were in a slideshow.
Some nice additions to your reading list….
A book vending machine?! That is awesome. I wish they had those here. Maybe at work, then I wouldn’t be tempted to buy junk food instead…
Beautiful photos! Love the statues of DQ and Sancho. And some good reading it sounds in all those new books!
Wow, you have been productive. I need some of that productivity to rub off on me. I have so much to do, but no energy to do it.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures–they remind me of Puerto Rico. And I didn’t realize your hometown was Monterrey! 🙂
I love that book vending machine…imagine one that sells books from your favorite author.
Danielle – I think I’ve become a fan of Book Depository. Shipping was fast and free! I do like Goodman’s books a lot although I still need to check out Ghost Orchid.
Tara – Remember Pages Magazine? Same thing. One day it was just gone. Hate that. Oh and I think we should all read Miss Pettigrew – sounds like it’s a super wonderful read.
Isabel – I never thought of Monterrey as colorful 🙂 Can you believe I didn’t get a chance to check out the book vending prices? We were in a rush. Oh and the museum exhibit sort of like graffiti art.
Christine – Thanks girl! Michael did the slide show stuff. I have got to learn how to do that 🙂
Matt – Heh, tell me about it. It was so neat.
Stefanie – Thank you. I got such a kick out of those sculptures. Of course made me think of the Tilting at the Windmills book group 🙂
Kelly – Well, I have been kinda lazy for a long while so it’s about time. Ha,ha…
Matt – Glad you enjoyed those. Yep, I was born in Monterrey and lived there until I was 7 so even though I’ve spent most of my life in Texas I still consider Monterrey my home. Can’t help it 🙂
What a great site, Book Depository! Thanks for sharing – I saw some interesting titles there. Monterrey looks lovely – I love that pix of Barrio Antigua. And book vending machines!?? Now why aren’t there any here in the US or in Singapore??? Hmph!
Your photos are wonderful! So colourful!
Japan’s got loads of vending machines but I’ve never noticed a book one- great idea though.
Kisane – So far I can say Book Depository is awesome. So hope you check them out. I’m actually curious if there are more book vending machines in Monterrey. Now I need to go back and investigate. ha.ha.
Tanabata – Thank you! See, I would think that Japan would have those. That country just seems to have such cool stuff.