“To a bibliophile, there is but one thing better than a box of new books, and that is a box of old ones.” These are Thomas Llewelyn’s thoughts from Some Danger Involved by Will Thomas. I love it when a writer throws in a line or two about books or about the protagonist’s love for books. I feel like we are sharing some bibliophile humor.
I didn’t pick up some of the other books I’d mentioned but I will look into them soon (maybe this weekend). Instead I started an advance copy of Katrina Kittle’s, The Kindness of Strangers. I’ve only read a few chapters but so far it is an engrossing read.
I am getting a bit distracted in my reading though because I got the latest Edward R. Hamilton Bookseller catalog. With books on clearance for as low as $1.95! It’s hard to look away from that. Okay off to read the catalog and the books.