Weekend Recap

bookpeopleAnother weekend flies by and not at a lot of bookish stuff to report but we had to go to REI today which meant a quick stop at BookPeople. And, I mean a very quick stop as the only thing I went in for was to pick up the BookPeople newsletter and BookPage. I wish we could have stayed longer but we also had to go do some grocery shopping and take care of a few other things.

The newsletter is the March one but I still enjoy reading it as there are some book reviews and upcoming calendar events.

What else, remember I went on a library ban at the beginning of March? I think my ban is going to be over soon because I had to put a book on hold for my next mystery book group meeting. We’re reading Arctic Chill by Arnaldur Indridasson.

So that’s about it. Oh, I also did a bit of crafting this weekend but more on that in another post. I hope you all have a great week ahead. I’m off to relax with my newsletters and add more books to the reading list!

  1. March 31, 2014
  2. March 31, 2014
  3. March 31, 2014
  4. March 31, 2014