The weekend just flew by didn’t it? We had a great time hanging out with friends on Saturday for en evening of tapas and wine. Yum. I know I had said I wanted to get some bookbinding done this weekend and that didn’t exactly work out but sometimes that’s just the way it goes right?
I did manage to finish The Absent One by Jussi Adler-Olsen which was a bit drawn-out at times but it certainly kept me on the edge of my seat for the last few chapters. I also have been meaning to tell you that I started reading The Last Letter From Your Lover by Jojo Moyes and it’s a good one. I don’t think I’ll love it as much as Me Before You but that’s ok.
Thanks to Sandy I figured out that Requiem Mass is the second book in the series but luckily my library has the first one so I put a hold on it. Of course that’s led me to add some other holds so I’ll probably have to drop in at the library later this week.
Last but not least did you guys see the Start 2014 Write letter/card exchange program that Kailana and the Estella Society put together? I used to write so many letters and had pen pals in various countries (I’ve mentioned before that this is how my husband and I met right?) but you know how it is. Life gets busy, things change, etc. and now I hardly ever send a letter. I’m excited about this and hope you’ll think about joining in too.
For now, I’m off to read some more from my current reads. I am going to be adding some new books to the current stack but I’ll tell you more about those in another post.
And, I’ve been meaning to tell you about some new ARCs that I’ve received so stay tuned! Hope everyone has a great week ahead.
I’ve got my eyeball on the Adler-Olsen and the Moyes books (but let’s face it, I can’t seem to make much headway on anything!!!). I think Moyes is a talent.
I didn’t realize that you met your husband via letters–that is so cool and quite romantic! 🙂 I also used to have loads of penpals–I even met a number of them but I only keep up with letter writing with one lady in Germany–mostly postcards now, but it is so nice hearing from her–we have quite a lot in common so I very much enjoy keeping in touch. I send out lots of postcards still and plan on joining in Kailana’s letter exchange–must go sign up! Sounds like you had a nice weekend–never enough time to get everything done, though, isn’t that always the case!
Glad to see you are joining in for the letter exchange! We have a decent turnout so far, so I am excited. 🙂 I love sending letters but have been really really slack since I moved. Hoping February will give me a push back into making it a priority.
Still want the Juri Olsen-Adler book. Loved Me Before You and should settle down and read another one by Moyes!
Sandy – I was kind of hesitant to start this Moyes book because I just loved Me Before You and thought this won’t compare. So far, it doesn’t but it is a good read. I’m enjoying it a lot! And, yes, you must try the Adler-Olsen books. I think you’d like them!
Danielle – It’s so funny how people are always asking us to tell our story of how we met so I feel like I’ve told everyone! I still have all of our letters so that is special. Unfortunately I didn’t keep up with my other pen pals but it’ll be fun to at least exchange some letters/postcards. Always exciting to look forward to good mail isn’t it? 🙂
Kailana – I’m so glad you’ve got this project going on! It’s very cool and I’m looking forward to writing some postcards and letters. It’s going to be fun 🙂
Jenclair – I hope you get a chance to try out his books. I’ve enjoyed both a lot and actually have the third one on my shelves but it may be a while before I get to it. Wasn’t Me Before You wonderful? Oh I think about it and still could cry!
Weekends always fly by, don’t they? But at least it sounds like you had a nice one. I just went and signed up for the letters. I send postcards and letters regularly but it is always nice to add a few extra for fun now and then!
I’m going to participate in the letter/postcard exchange too! Like you, I used to be such a busy little letter writer. Blogging and social media changed all that . . . I miss it sometimes.
THANK YOU for helping spread the word about Start 2014 Write!
Stefanie – They sure do. I kind of wish this week would fly by. Work has been a bit stressful. Ugh. Yay, so glad you signed up for Start Write – it’s going to be so much fun!
Literary Feline – That’s awesome! I’m looking forward to pulling out my stationary box. It’s been forever since I’ve written a letter.
Andi @ Estella’s Revenge – You bet! Looking forward to it!