Saturday morning was perfect for my first bike ride of the year. My husband and I went to the Veloway and we did three rounds, which is about 3.1 miles a round. There was a light breeze, cardinals chirping and lots of activity on the Veloway. It felt great to be riding outdoors and I felt so accomplished after our ride. You might hear me talking about more bike adventures as I try to get in shape for our vacation this summer.
What else, I went to the library but just to drop off books so no new books to tell you about, at least for now. I did however finish two books this weekend.
The first was Shame In The Blood by Tetsuo Miura. Although this was a novel it almost felt like I was reading a series of short stories. I read somewhere that each chapter was actually published at a different time but it was a bit strange to read. At times you felt like you had already heard part of the story. It was an interesting read and I’ll try to do a bit more of a write up soon.
The other book I finished was Photobooth: A Biography by Meags Fitzgerald. I think photo booth pictures are fun but I had no idea of the history behind the photo booth. Thanks to this graphic novel I learned quite a lot. And, isn’t that postcard cool? I got that from Danielle which was a delight to have as I was reading this book.
So all in all a great weekend. I have a couple of books in progress but lately I’ve really been feeling the pull to visit with a favorite mystery series. I was a bit of a comfort read so maybe I’ll go with a detective or inspector I’m familiar with for my next read. I’ll let you know what I decide to do.
What about you, how was your weekend and did you finish any books?
Pretty weekend, right? And now hoping that this week will bring a little rain to us. I’ve seen some bludbonnets, but we’ve had so little rain so far this year, they may not be very pretty or plentiful this year.
Beautiful weekend here; perfect for yard work. Unfortunately, I’m a little stiff this morning. Think I’ll work on some fabric postcards and read all day. Darn.
We had a gorgeous weekend, too. My husband and I rode our bikes yesterday and I rode alone on Saturday. I’m hoping to get out again today!
I haven’t finished any books lately, but only because I’m trying to savor City of Thieves. I don’t want it to end, it’s so good!!
I love your bright blue bike!
I love your bike! I’m glad the weather was lovely for a bike ride. We’ve got a few showers lately, but otherwise the weather has been very hot!
I visited the library over the past weekend; only got to borrow two books because I’m afraid I’ll have to return them unread if I borrow too many, lol. Hope you’ve a great week! 🙂
While it has been a mild winter, it is still a bit too cold for a bike. lol Glad you got to enjoy yours!
My mom gave me her old bike–I haven’t been on a bike in years! I told my husband I am going to try it out when no one is around to be sure I remember how to ride. Haha! Your ride sounds wonderful, Iliana. Spring is definitely in the air. Photobooth: A Biography looks really interesting. I didn’t finish any books this weekend. It was packed full of activity since we had family visiting from out of town. I hope you have a great week!
I am also hoping to go bike this Spring / Summer. Definitely looking forward to hearing about your bike adventures!
Photobooth actually sounds and looks pretty interesting. I don’t know the history behind a photobooth either so it will be fun to read it.
Kay – It was great and of course now we have rain which I guess we do need. I’ve heard we may not get a lot of bluebonnets. boo-hoo. They are so pretty. We’ll see I guess.
Jenclair- Oh man, the last time I really did heavy duty yard work I ended up with shoulder tendonitis! I leave that to my husband now. Haha… Your fabric postcards are beautiful so can’t wait to see more of them.
Les in NE – Oh how fun – glad you guys were able to enjoy some bike riding too! Can’t wait to read your review of City of Thieves.
Stefanie – I love my bike too. It’s a comfort bike so I like that I sit straighter in it.
Melody – Oh I know what you mean about having to return books unread. Unfortunately I’ve had to return quite a few. I think I may have to go on a library ban for a little bit and read more from my shelves.
Kailana – We’ve had a very mild winter which I’m worried about because I can only imagine our summer is going to be intense which means I will not be biking outdoors in the heat! So I guess I better get more bike rides in!
Literary Feline – When I first got my bike I told my husband we had to go somewhere far away from people in case I fell off or something because I didn’t want to be embarrassed. Believe it or not, you really will remember! Hope you are enjoying your visit with your family!
Athira – Will you take little Shreya with you? I guess she needs to be a little bit older maybe so she can ride her own little seat? Not sure but I do think it’s adorable when I see parents out with their little ones and plus get the kiddos used to bikes. Never to early 🙂