My husband and I spent all weekend either at bookstores or reading. He was excited because he bought some new book on Photoshop or something like that and I was excited because at Half Price Books I found a book of poetry by Billy Collins, Picnic, Lightning. Yay.
This collection has some beautiful poems on journaling, jazz and even Victoria’s Secret. You have to check this out. Here, I’ll post one poem I’m enjoying a lot right now. I am not a morning person but I like this. Oh and I just saw that he has a new collection, Ballistics, coming out this September. I have to mark my calendar.
Why do we bother with the rest of the day,
the swale of the afternoon,
the sudden dip into evening,
then night with his notorious perfumes,
his many-pointed stars?
This is the best —
throwing off the light covers,
feet on the cold floor,
and buzzing around the house on espresso —
maybe a splash of water on the face,
a palmful of vitamins —
but mostly buzzing around the house on espresso,
dictionary and atlas open on the rug,
the typewriter waiting for the key of the head,
a cello on the radio,
and, if necessary, the windows —
trees fifty, a hundred years old
out there,
heavy clouds on the way
and the lawn steaming like a horse
in the early morning.
~Morning by Billy Collins
Thank you for sharing the poem, Iliana. I do like mornings–at least the ones that don’t require me to rush out the door to get to work on time. 🙂
It sounds like you had a great day. My day has been filled with household chores and a little reading here and there. I did take a brief nap. Too many late nights watching the Olympics.
I read a collection of Collins’s poetry earlier in the year, and some of the poems you mentioned were included. The one on Victoria’s Secret was classic Collins, although almost everything he does is classic, in my opinion. You really can’t go wrong with any of his collections.
Awww, I love Billy Collins, and I had no idea he has a new collection coming out. I’ll definitely mark it.
That’s a beautiful poem, Iliana!
I hope you’ve a wonderful weekend. 🙂
Literary Feline – Ah, yes, a leisurely morning is quite nice isn’t it! I so could have used a nap today – I probably should have but maybe tomorrow I’ll indulge 🙂
unfinishedperson – I completely agree! I love Billy Collins’ poetry. I’m trying to build up my library with more of his collections.
Andi – I know, that’s definitely one for the radar right!
Melody – It’s been so nice. I like those weekends that are calm & quiet especially after my last weekend which was a bit more hectic. Hope yours was good too 🙂
Hmmmm….a book on Photoshop?? Can’t say I’ll rush right out and get that one!! Are you going to be borrowing it??
Billy Collins has become one of my favorite poets. Maybe my 2nd favorite, behind Wendell Berry. If you do a search on YouTube for Billy Collins, you can see some cool videos of him reading his poems and to which people have added art or animation.
I am a big fan of Billy Collins. I have all his books and a CD of a recording of him reading some of his poetry. The Victoria’s Secret poem is so clever. Just love it. I love the way he looks at simple things and make them magical. Another favorite poet of mine is Tony Hoagland. He is very honest in looking at his life and the people in it. Collins makes me smile and Hoagland makes me laugh out loud and sometimes blush. Seems that you had a perfect sunday. By the way thank you for the heads up on Ballistics. I’ll try to be patient about that one.
Wow! I have never read a poem by Billy Collins…..this was so amazing!!! I am not much into poetry, but if this is how he writes I will certainly be getting a book of his at the library tonight after work!!!! Amazing! Also, thanks for the links in the previous post. I am loving the Readers Group Blog!!!!!!!
Sounds like you had a lovely weekend! I really like that poem as well and I really should check out more of his poetry!
OMG! Billy Collins is one of my favorites! I could read him day and night, he has so many great poems. Isn’t he just the best?!
Great poem. As a morning person, I hearitly agree with the sentiments expressed. Your weekend sounds lovely.
You always find such good poetry books. I’ll have to check this one out.
Morning is my favorite time of the day. I’m an early bird, so I can make the most out of my morning, starting with walking the dog. Then I head out to my favorite cafe where I meet my friends and some book lovers.
It sounds like the perfect weekend to me.
Stephanie – I think I’ll let my husband have that book all to himself 🙂
Carrie K. – I’ve seen a couple of YouTube vids on his poetry. Great stuff isn’t it? I have a few favorite poets and he’s definitely on my list!
roxanestoner – That’s exactly what I love about his poetry… it’s so accessible! I’ve not heard of Tony Hoagland but I will look for his poetry – thank you! I was pretty lucky and got to hear Billy Collins at a poetry event last Spring. It was amazing – I of course like a true fan girl went up and had him autograph my book 🙂
Laura – I’ve read quite a bit by Collins and his poetry is really just fantastic. I do hope you’ll check out more of his poems.
Christine – I can imagine that you’d really get a kick out of his poetry. Hope you guys had a great weekend too!
Jessica – So true! I don’t have a favorite poem by him but that’s because every other one I read I think oh this is it 🙂
Anon – I really shouldn’t complain about mornings so much these days as I’m not working but still I just can’t seem to get going in the mornings. I’m definitely a night owl!
aka Nik – Hope you do and tell me what you think!
Matt – Ooh I like the way you start your mornings. Maybe that’s what I should do to get settled into the day 🙂
Tara – It was 🙂
I’m a night owl that REALLY WANTS to be a morning person! And I, too, love Collins. Thanks for posting this one.
Glad to hear that you had a good weekend Ili. Very nice poem! I’m now very much of an early morning person, but I’m still a night owl too, if that makes any sense. I didn’t use to be a morning person, but lately I’ve been able to get quality sleep, and 5 to 6 hours (from 11 pm to 5 pm) seems to be all my body needs to be refreshed.
I loved that too, Illiana, thank you so much. Nice to know he has a new volume coming out, I’ll put it on my calendar too! I hope you have a nice week.
Mindy Withrow – Me too! 🙂 Glad you liked this poem.
Shadan – Girl, you are just buzzing! I need some of your energy! I can’t wait to see you soon – maybe your energy will rub off on me 🙂
Greer – I can’t wait to see the new collection. I just know it will be filled with more gems to love!
Hey Iliana… Finally back to life. What a great poem although I can’t appreciate the “buzzing around the house on espresso”. 🙂 It’s more “schlumping around looking for coffee.”