I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I enjoyed it very much as I got to celebrate my birthday and had so many wonderful notes and calls from friends and family. My husband took me out for a delicious breakfast at a French bakery and of course we took home three different slices of cakes to savor later in the day.
One of the highlights was also stopping in at BookPeople. I love wandering the aisles to check out the recommended reads. I can always count on finding books by indie presses and local authors. I thought the display for one of the mystery end caps was fun.
We also made it out to a local nursery to look for some new plants for a part of our front garden. We settled on several native, drought resistant plants. We always go for native, low maintenance type plants. I think we found some really pretty ones (gaura, blue aster and rudbeckia) but of course I am already anxious and want to see lots of blooms. Haha…
Oh and finally a quick visit to Half Price Books but I didn’t find the books I was looking for and instead found some beautiful paper by Pepin Press. It’s gift wrap paper but I can easily use this for other kinds of crafts so that was a neat find.
It was great to have a three day weekend but now it’s time to get ready for the work week ahead. Let me know if you made it to any bookstores over the weekend.
Happy belated birthday and it sounds like a wonderful weekend you’d had, Iliana. Hope you’ve a great week and have fun with your crafts! 🙂
Happy Belated Birthday!!! It sounds like you had a wonderful one! I wish I had a Half Price Bookstore near me – but my wallet is grateful that I don’t I’m sure 🙂
It sounds like you had a lovely birthday! I saw the picture of those cake slices and they looked delicious. Your plants will look so nice in your yard. I love rudabeckia, but unfortunately, so did the rabbits! We bought some hostas and a few annuals today and I hope to get them in the yard tomorrow.
Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a perfect assortment of enjoyment: food, books, plants! My favorite garden surprise this year was finding three volunteer gaura plants , so now I have four!