Several friends have asked me what I read while on vacation. Most of the books I read were bought in Germany (I bought some others not mentioned below because I still haven’t read them). I love looking through the English book sections at the bookstores — lots of British books that may or may not make it to the States so it’s always a treat. I will have reviews up soon but here’s a quick look at the list:
Angel at Troublesome Creek by Mignon F. Ballard
Tainted Blood by Arnaldur Indridason
The Tea Shop on Mulberry Street by Sharon Owens
The Hours of the Night by Sue Gee
Mrs. Sartoris by Elke Schmitter
Billie Morgan by Joolz Denby
She’s Got Issues by Stephanie Lessing
It So Happens by Patricia Ferguson
And, perhaps my favorite of the bunch, Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë. Talk about the original Nanny Diaries. I highly recommend picking up this classic novel.
Every year I try to read at least one classic novel. Granted at the rate I’m going I’ll never get through Penguins Popular Classics. I started doing this because I have always bemoaned the fact that my literature classes, both high school and college, weren’t demanding. Sure, we read Romeo & Juliet, Animal Farm, Hamlet and a few others but that was it. No Faulkner, Woolf, Brontës, Hardy, etc. Really, isn’t that terrible?