Hello! Sorry I haven’t been keeping up with blogging these last few days but I’ve been a bit overwhelmed getting ready for vacation. Work has been busy and I’ve also been getting stuff for my family who’s staying home with my mom. I’m more than ready to get vacation started.
Right now I just have my backpack to sort out but believe it or not, I am just relying on my Kindle for my books. Maybe I’ll buy a magazine at the airport.
I’m not sure if I’ll be blogging while away. I may try to pop in and post some pictures of our travels. And, I apologize in advance for not staying up to date with my blog feed. I know I’ll have a great time catching up with you when I return. Until then, happy reading and more book talk soon!
Hope you have a great time!
🙂 Have a good trip!
Have fun! 🙂
I hope you are having a great vacation!
No need to apologize to me, the worst commenter ever as of late! Have a lovely trip, and are t we blessed to have kindles nowadays? I remember going to Europe with two books, and feeling a certain amount of despair, which was all my suitcase could hold.
Enjoy your vacation!! I just got back from one and am still trying to get back to routine.