Heather recently tagged me on a one question meme. Should be easy right?
“What’s your Favorite Type of Writing? And, I should mention, your favorite type of writing to do as opposed to your favorite type of writing to read.”
My love affair with writing started when I was in fourth grade and I decided I wanted to be a writer. I wrote a story about two girls and a treasure hunt. I drew the picures and even bound my little book using yarn as ties, and I gave it to one of my teachers. I know she still has this. Oh man, can I get it back? ha.
In college I graduated with a Journalism degree although I had no plans on becoming a reporter. My concentration was in public relations so I spent some time working for PR firms and also working in marketing. I got to do a lot of writing but it was all about how wonderful our clients were. So to fill my need for creative writing I signed up for creative writing classes and workshops any time I could.
Over the years I’ve dabbled in short stories and poetry. I actually have had several poems published in small journals so that is something I’m quite proud of, and at one point I thought I’d write a novel. I think almost every reader has had this idea right? But for now, I’m quite happy being a reader. Who knows, maybe one day that yearning will come back and maybe not. I still enjoy writing poetry and I have scribbles written everywhere but the one writing that’s always been a constant for me has been my journaling.
Here is proof that I like to journal. These are only a few of the journals I have filled over the past couple of years.
I won’t tag anyone else because it’s Sunday and I’m being lazy but if you want to borrow this please go ahead. I would love to hear some of your thoughts on the type of writing you like to do.
What a beautiful pile of journals! I love collecting journals, but I can’t say that I’m very good at filling them in. *sigh*
It was great reading about your favorite types of writing!
I agree, that is a lovely collection of colourful journals. I’m a bit of a scribbler myself and have notebooks lying all over the place, some decorative and some just plain tacky, but it’s the content and the memory of the times that content was created that makes them special.
I really enjoyed reading this entry. 🙂
Girl, you know that journaling is one thing we definitely have in common. I have many, many of them. I started when I was 14 and I write a LOT. Sometimes more, depending on what’s going on. My journals are very sacret to me, and I treasure them dearly eventhough they don’t always tell a happy tale. I’ve often thought of what I would want to do with them when I die, maybe burn them, maybe leave them to someone that can be helped, or maybe ask to be buried with them. I’ve also thought about writing a book about my life, maybe someday…
I’m wondering if you made all of them too? They are lovely!
Andi – Well, I do collect a lot too 🙂
naridu – Thank you and I agree completely, it’s the memory of times that you want to capture.
Shadan – I know what you mean girl! I did tear up a couple of journals – the after high school years and regret that now. I have no clue what to do with mine when I’m gone either.
Maggie – No, these are all store bought but I do have a couple of journals I’ve made that I use.
I received a Moleskine from my sister in 1975 (she had just completed her first tour of the continent). Of course, I remember the notebook but I was not old enough to appreciate it… it went to waste. Nowadays, I’ve gone back to the Moleskine for personal essays, strictly… I can’t come up with fiction to save my life… all of it is terribly bad.
I’m intimidated by journaling–I don’t like to commit my dashed-off thoughts to the beautiful blank books I’ve bought or been given. So hats off to you for filling all those fabulous journals. Just recently I lost a little Moleskine notebook I was carrying around in my purse that had a bunch of notes for a play I’m writing…I’m trying not to think about it or I’ll cry. I have written screenplays (never produced) and bad non-fiction TV (for money–but not much), but my goal is to someday write a novel. Wow, I don’t usually even admit that…
I adore the pretty pile of journals. They just make you want to scribble in them.
Kudos to you for keeping those years of journals and lovely ones at that. I love writing and used to write poetry but I have so little time these days that I have to apply my focus to keep on track with a few of my interests that currently take priority. Oh, if I only had all the time in the world…
JCR – I love Moleskines too. Have you checked out the moleskinerie.net blog? Great stuff.
Gentle Reader – Oh gosh that must be awful losing a notebook. I think I’m more scared of that than losing a credit card or something. You never know it could turn up somewhere. Sending good vibes and hope it does.
LK – Believe it or not, like Gentle Reader, sometimes I do get intimidated by the blank pages of a pretty journal but it’s usually a momentary panic and then I go crazy 🙂
Christine – I know you’ve kept some journals during your travels – have you ever read back through those? I hear you on wanting more time. Oh gosh where can we get those extra hours!
I have lots and lots of journals. I fill them up quickly. I started a journal on my bday in Sept. That took 6months to fill up, but was quite big. Then I filled another journal up in a month. Go figure!When I journal I write at least 10 pages at a time. I have some journals I think should probably be burned. All that anguish. Does anyone need to read that?
I do go back at times and read through those travel journals. Amazing how free you feel when away from home…. =) thanks for the reminder.
I too love your journal pile. I have collected a great many journals over the years. I have always admired those who keep a diary but I was never diligent enough to keep up with it. That doesn’t stop me from buying pretty journals about once every couple of months.
BTW, I love the blog header. Very cool!
Nancy – 10 Pages at a time? Wow. I’m know what you mean about all the anguish entries.
Christine – Isn’t that the truth girl.
Petunia – Thank you! And, I also have an addiction to buying pretty journals even if I don’t fill them up as quickly as I’d like to. I just can’t resist them.
Maybe you will share some of your poetry with us sometime ? 🙂