Tuesday Intro

I haven’t had a chance to participate in this weekly meme all year but in an effort to get back to a routine (and because I’ve just started a new book!) I thought I’d join in for First Chapter, First Paragraph Tuesday Intros. Thank you to Yvonne, from Socrates’ Book Reviews who hosts this meme. As a reminder this is your chance to post a bit from a book that you are reading or planning to read.

“Prologue: Vitoria, August 2016. The TV crews were obsessed with hounding my oldest friends in the cuadrilla. They needed a headline and were convinced those closest to me could supply it. From the moment the news broke that the killer had shot me, reporters chased them all over Vitoria: from then on, nobody got any peace. Posted on their doorsteps at the crack of dawn. They lingered at Saburdi’s on Calle Date for a few quiet tapas in the evening. At the time, no one felt like talking, and the unrelenting media presence didn’t help.”

The Silence of the White City by Eva García Sáenz; translated by Nick Caistor

This is a thriller set in Vitoria, Spain, which is in the northern region of Spain. I had a look at some travel photos online and it looks so pretty with its cobblestone streets and medieval quarter. I haven’t been to that part of Spain but after only reading a few pages of this book, I want to go.

I also realized that there’s a Netflix show based on this trilogy. Have any of you seen it or read the book? I am very excited about finally get to this one and so far so good. Let me know what you think.

  1. August 30, 2022
  2. August 30, 2022
  3. August 31, 2022
  4. September 2, 2022