Tuesday Intro

It’s been several weeks since I shared about a new read so I thought I’d join in this week’s First Chapter, First Paragraph Tuesday Intros. Thank you to Yvonne, from Socrates’ Book Reviews who hosts this meme. As a reminder this is your chance to post a bit from a book that you are reading or planning to read.

“There were already four us by the time Ida arrived, on an unusually cold summer’s night. Thanks to a nearly full moon, it was still so bright out at two A.M. that we could count the freckles on each other’s noses. We had vowed not to go to sleep until we’d heard the new baby’s first cry. We had taken chips and Cokes up to our attic bedroom and had put on our warmest flannel pajamas.”

A Heart of Stone by Renate Dorrestein; translated by Hester Velmans

Doesn’t that sound cozy and a bit idyllic?

Here’s a bit more from the publisher’s blurb: Growing up with her adored siblings in a rambling house in Holland, clever, precocious Ellen has an idyllic childhood suffused with Americana from her parents’ news-clipping service—from Coca-Cola to Kissinger to Neil Armstrong’s first step on the moon. But amid the happiness lies terror and unimaginable heartbreak and a twelfth birthday that haunts her still.

I’ve only just started and I’m fully swept in to this story. How about you would you read this?

This is my second book for my 10 Books of Summer reading challenge and no doubt will count for a couple of other challenges I’m also participating in.

  1. June 8, 2021
  2. June 8, 2021
  3. June 8, 2021
  4. June 8, 2021
  5. June 8, 2021
  6. June 9, 2021
  7. June 9, 2021
  8. June 15, 2021