It has been way to long since I’ve participated in Tuesday Intros and as I’ve just started a really fun book, I thought this would be the perfect time to join in. First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros is hosted by Vicki at I’d Rather Be At The Beach. So here it goes:
“Someone was following her. The uneasy awareness crept along the nape of Garrett’s neck until the fine hairs stood on end. Lately she had the feeling of being watched whenever she went on her weekly visit to the workhouse infirmary. So far there had been no evidence to justify her unease – no glimpse of a person behind her, no sound of footsteps – but she could feel him somewhere close.”
What do you think? Does Garrett have to fear for her life and do you want to know what happens next?
This intro is from Hello Stranger by Lisa Kleypas. It is Book 4 in The Ravenels series. I have not read the first three but I have read some of Lisa Kleypas historical romances before and while I don’t read a lot of romance novels, hers are ones I feel I can pick up and know I will enjoy.
I’m actually about 50 pages into this book and it’s so fun. Love the main character who happens to be a woman physician and while she may be all work and no play, her life is about to be turned upside down by a handsome stranger.
Have you read this one yet or any of the others in the series?
I haven’t read many books by the author, but enjoyed some books in a contemporary series set in Friday Harbor.
This one sounds lovely. Thanks for sharing, and here’s mine: “NOT THAT I COULD TELLâ€
I was laughing as I read that intro mentioning the ‘workhouse’ and then I looked at the cover of the book. Doesn’t look like a ‘workhouse’ to me! Ha! Of course, then I read the rest and it made more sense. I’ve not ever read anything by this author but I know that many love her.
HI there!
I’ve not played this Tuesday meme in years, until today, so you’re in good company lol
I LOVE the cover, and your tease is very intriguing. I also noticed the stark difference between the cover and her mentioning ‘workhouse’. Maybe that’s the plan… to highlight the difference.
See I’m intrigued? lol
Here is mine, I’m featuring, The Third Victim by Phillip Margolin
I haven’t tried this author – such a pretty cover. I hope you enjoy this one.
This is a new to me author. I rarely read romance either, but the intro did sound interesting, so I’d keep reading.
I’ve been drawn to the covers of the other books in this series, but haven’t really checked into them. I like this intro. See what we are featuring at Girl Who Reads.
Laurel Rain Snow – I think I forgot she also wrote contemporaries! I need to check those out and see what they are like.
Kay – Haha, good point! As much as I think the dress is pretty I think whoever did the cover art didn’t pay attention to the time frame as this is set in the Victorian era!
Sassy Brit – Awesome we are both back on track with this! I’ve not read any Margolin but have heard good things!
Diane – I think she mainly writes romances but they are pretty enjoyable so if you ever want to give them a try I would recommend them.
Vicki – Thank you for hosting the meme! I like that the intro makes it seem like there’s a bit of a mystery involved.
Donna – I’ve read some of her older books but hadn’t even heard of this series. So many authors to keep track of right?
I like the first paragraph, but I love the cover. I’d grab it for that.
My copy arrived a few days ago and I’m looking forward to reading it. Hope you enjoy the book and can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it, Iliana.
I haven’t read this series but this one sounds good! Enjoy it!