I’m back with another entry for  Top Ten Tuesday a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
This week’s topic is: Places in Books I’d love to Live. I love to travel and since there’s been none of that due to COVID-19, I knew I had to participate in this week’s edition and look back at the books I’ve read and places I have visited over time.
First stop would be La Perdida by Jessica Abel. In this graphic novel, we get to see the amazing Mexico City. I love the culture, the food and just like Carla in the novel, I remember a wonderful visit to Frida Kahlo’s house. I’ve been to Mexico City three times and would love to go again.
The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. This wonderful story is set in Barcelona, Spain. This vibrant city holds a special place in my heart because it was the first city in Europe I visited. It’s where I learned to love red wine, discovered that I really enjoy the works of Pablo Picasso and in general it set me up for my desire to travel overseas.
From there we’ll go to Persuasion by Jane Austen because of its Bath, England setting. Can you imagine being able to visit the Pump Room to have afternoon tea while reading this or any other Jane Austen book. Ah, what a delight.
Now we’ll move over a bit to Sixpence House by Paul Collins. This book is set in Hay-on-Wye and I’ve had the opportunity to be there but would wouldn’t it be great to be there for the Hay Literary festival? Although how would I ever move all the books I bought to my next location?
Next would be The Keeper of Lost Causes by Jussi Adler-Olson. A series set in Copenhagen, Denmark. Granted before we would move I’d have to really work on my cycling skills. They have a bicycle super highway which I know my husband loved but I admit it was a bit intimidating.
Then we’d move on to Tulip Fever by Deborah Moogach because it is set in Amsterdam, Netherlands. More bikes, tulips and so many other great cities nearby. One thing I can’t believe I still haven’t done on my trips to Amsterdam is visit the Van Gogh Museum. Next time for sure.
After our stay there we’d move to The Square of Revenge by Pieter Aspe for its location in Bruges, Belgium. There are some great antique and thrift shops and flea markets. I still remember a little shop I found which was packed with all kinds of vintage goods. I got some great vintage postcards. Plus, chocolate!
Now for some warmer weather and lots of sun I’d move over to A Room with a View by E.M. Forster as much of it takes place in Florence, Italy. I’d be eating gelato every day and enjoying a cappuccinos every morning while I watched the views. Then of course I’d go take some bookbinding workshops at this historical shop.
We’d probably make it back over to Bachelor Brothers Bed & Breakfast by Bill Richardson in Vancouver, Canada. Can you imagine living in a B&B with all those books available? How fun but even better being surrounded by the beautiful scenery of British Columbia.
Finally, Bremen Town Musicians by the Brothers Grimm. How can I not include Germany in this list right? Honestly so many places I could choose from in Germany but for today I’ll go with Bremen as it’s situated near Hamburg and Hannover where we have friends and family. Bremen is a lovely town and on the Fairy Tale road so nearby are other charming towns which were the settings for many of the Grimms’ tales.
Sorry if this was a super long post but thank you for coming along with me to some wonderful places I’ve visited. I wouldn’t mind living in any of them at least for a little while.
In case it’s not clear the pictures I’ve shared are from Denmark, Belgium and Germany. I wish I could have shown you more but I just didn’t have time to sort through the photo files.
Anyway, tell me about which placed you’d love to live in and why.
Mexico City sounds like an amazing place to visit!
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-places-in-books-id-love-to-live/
Love your list! So many of your choices are favorite books (and settings!) of mine, too. 😀
I’ve been to British Columbia many times, but I haven’t visited any other parts of Canada. B.C. is beautiful!
Happy TTT!
Top Ten Tuesday is so fun 🙂 Great list of places and very nice photos! Going to Amsterdam to visit the Van Gogh Museum is on my wish list! England is also on my wish list because I love Tudor history and there’s so many places there I’d want to visit as well as museums and Jane Austen’s house.
Enjoy your week 🙂
I’d love to live all those places! Bruges would be pretty amazing and so would Denmark and Netherlands because bikes! But Hay-on-Wye! So many fantastic places in the world!
Great pictures! I’d love to live in Amsterdam or Vancouver Island. Bachelor Brothers Bed & Breakfast is such a good book. Time for a reread!
You’ve mentioned some really awesome places here. Pump Room in Bath, tulips in Amsterdam, Frida Kalho’s house, Fairy Tale road, antique shops! Oh, my goodness. I want to go travelling again, it’s been so long!
Love the personal touch on this post! While I haven’t read any of the books here, many are on my list and I’d love to visit some of the same places.
Lydia – If you ever get a chance to visit, I highly recommend Mexico City. It is amazing!
Lark – Glad you liked it!
Susan at Bloggin About Books – That was my first visit to Canada and hopefully not my last. We loved B.C.
Bookworm – Oh yes, the Tudor history is so interesting. Would love to go back and visit some of the castles
Stefanie – You would fit right in Denmark with that bike highway!
Les in OR – Wouldn’t it be amazing to live in those places?
Les @ Lexlingua – I know right? I so miss going on travels!
Athira – Some of these places i”e been to several times and would love to go back in a heartbeat. Can’t wait to travel again!