This & That

I hope you all had a great weekend? Did you do read some good books or visit a bookstore? We visited Barnes & Noble because I was looking for some of the Stampington Magazines which I like to get every once in a while. Unfortunately they did not have the latest Bella Grace edition (they had one that said display until Dec. 2020!). I know I can order these online but of course it’s always much more fun to get them at the bookstore.

I had a bit of a look through at the craft books and that area has gotten even smaller which is such a shame. I’m surprised because I thought people were turning to handmade projects since the start of the pandemic? Anyway, I actually was happy to find a book on bookbinding that looked interesting, Bound by Hand by Erica Ekrem. I have another of her books which I’ve enjoyed so while I didn’t get it, I’m tempted to go back for it.

I haven’t talked much about bookbinding lately and that’s just because I’ve been taking a bit of a break but I was excited to hear that the Georgetown Art Center, which stocks some of my journals, has been opening up again and some of my journals have recently sold. Yay (picture shown is from some different journals I’ve made).

Also, the Austin Book Arts Center has a workshop I’m very interested in later this year so I hope to sign up for it. I really miss in person classes but completely understand the need for virtual courses.

In other news, I know you all sent me good wishes for my father-in-law and I’m very happy to report he has been at home now for more than a week and is doing well. So thank you again or all the prayers and good thoughts.

I have so many updates on books read – I think I’m behind on at least 11 book reviews. I want to tell you about my current reads and how my challenges are going but more to follow. I hope you have a great start to the week!

  1. July 19, 2021
  2. July 19, 2021
  3. July 19, 2021
  4. July 21, 2021
  5. July 24, 2021