Well, hello there. I didn’t mean to be away from the blog and bogland but work last week was a bit hectic and to top it off I came down with a cold and even had to time off from work. The worst part of this cold was that I had so much sinus pressure for two days that I couldn’t even use my day off to rest and enjoy a book. So I ended up watching a lot of Youtube videos on journaling, crafting and beauty. And, lots of Friends episodes.
All of this also meant that I was not quite ready to help my husband celebrate his birthday at the end of the week. I thought I had done so well because I had ordered some of his gifts ahead of time but when he open one of his gifts he just laughed and said you only got one? You see this item was for his bike and in my rush to order his gift I didn’t pay attention to the quantity just the style. Well, it was a tire. And, yes, I only got him one tire and not two. What was I thinking?!
Crazy week you guys. Anyway, let’s just say I’m glad a new week is almost here. I’m still dealing with some congestion but hopefully I’ll be back to normal soon!
Not a lot of reading has been happening at Casa Bookgirl. I did go to the bookstore on Saturday. It was so nice to get out of the house. I had a coupon for Barnes & Noble and bought A Study In Death by Anna Lee Huber. I’m a fan of the Lady Darby mystery series and this is the fourth book in the series. I also ordered a book on Amazon as I couldn’t find it at B&N and needed it quickly to start reading for my upcoming book group meeting.
So what about you, what have you been up to?
lol I am sure he understood the only one tire thing. You can always say that one didn’t arrive in time, as you quickly send off another order. lol
I hope you are feeling better! I had a cold and missed a couple days of work two weeks ago. We both just got it out of the way early. Here’s to smooth and healthy sailing through the rest of the cold and flu season!
🙂 The surprise was for both of you! Hope the cold has seen its last and that you are feeling better.
What a great story. Yes, being sickly does things to your mind. Hope you are better.
I hope you are feeling better, Iliana. I had to laugh about the birthday present incident. That sounds like something I would do. 🙂