Even though I have tons of stuff to do in preparation for the move, I couldn’t miss one last visit to my book groups this week. I’ve belonged to my Murder on Monday mystery book group for five years and my Foreign Authors book group for 14 years. Oh I’m so going to miss these! Well, I’m sure I’ll find a way to still attend on occasion after all I envision many trips to Dallas to clear out the house and see friends.
I’m thinking that a good part of my summer will actually be spent traveling between Austin and Dallas which also means I’ve put my bookbinding class on hold until I’m back from vacation. So my two projects that I have in progress will have to wait until June. I wish I didn’t have put them on hold but I think this is for the best. I’ve got a bad case of monkey mind now and I’d rather be fully present at my class as opposed to making a mistake or promptly forgetting everything I’ve done.
Having decided that made it a bit easier on the packing as I’ve worked on getting all my crafty stuff in order. Oh my goodness, there’s so much stuff. And, do you want to know how many book boxes I’ve packed up? Right now the count is at 20! That’s not including my husband’s boxes of books. He’s on his own. ha,ha.
It’s so sad to see my books in boxes but I did leave a few out so I can read in between all the packing. Yes, I am reading although I don’t know how much I’m retaining. I’ve started a new mystery, The Wrong Kind of Blood by Declan Hughes which so far seems quite promising. And, I promise I’ll do a write up on some of the books I have finished recently – I think I have about five or so that I need to tell you about.
Oh and before I forget, the latest & greatest Estella’s Revenge is out and I got to write a little how-to on making your own travel journal so hope you’ll check it out.
Off to read and relax!
20 book boxes!!! Wow, that’s a lot, Iliana! LOL. And I don’t blame you for leaving a few books out for reading, because it’ll serve as a good excuse to take a break from those packing, besides having the real reason to read for pleasure, haha.
Monkey mind! Haha! I get that sometimes!
I don’t remember now but I think when we moved back to Japan from England I had about 25-30 boxes of books. The movers weren’t too thrilled lifting all those heavy boxes! 😉
I am sure that the members of your bookclubs are going to miss you. Fourteen years is a long time! Good luck with all that packing – people who helped us move the last time couldn’t believe all the books!
I love moving. Being a military brat and now a military spouse, it’s just my way of life. It’s exciting to go to a new place!
Twenty boxes of books is quite a lot! I wonder how many boxes I would end up with if I was packing. I have a lot more books than I did when I first moved into my house.
I always dread moving. You don’t realize how much stuff you own until you have to pack and unpack it! Good luck with everything.
Melody – It’s a lot isn’t it? And, I’ve even put aside books to sell & donate. Oh my 🙂
tanabata – I feel like that’s constantly my mind! ha,ha.. Oh man, that must have been a move! We aren’t using any movers although at this point I think we should. My poor hubby.
Tara – I think my book groups (especially one of them) were shocked by the news. I think I kind of still am 🙂
aka nik – Really?! Come help me pack – ha,ha.. You are right though, it’s exciting.
Literary Feline – I honestly didn’t think it was going to be that many but hardback books take up quite a lot of space and not to mention that we aren’t using very big boxes otherwise we’d never lift them! ha,ha…
Danielle – What’s getting me is the knickknacks… I hate them! That’s it, I’m going for a very simplistic approach to decorating at our new place – no knickknacks 🙂
Whew, I don’t envy the packing and stuff. If I never move again it’ll be too soon. But, I know it’ll be great once all the moving hoo-hah is over. You’ll be so happy in Austin!
I checked out your how-to article at Estella’s Revenge. Very nice! I may have to give it a try myself. I’m with Andi, I do NOT envy you packing. I told my husband we could never move again!! O.K., if I win the lottery — maybe. I’ll take all my books and photos and personal stuff and just leave everything else and buy new stuff for my mansion on the beach. 🙂 Good luck with everything!
Love the ‘monkey mind’ definition. Been there! Far too often!
It is hard to see books in boxes as that is not where they should be.
I look forward to reading your article in Estella’s Revenge and to hearing about your moving adventures.
I have “monkey mind” way too often….
Going to read your article right now!
I had my books in boxes for far too long. Now that they are all out, I just sit and look at them being all pretty on the bookshelf. 🙂
Moving is so hard!! I wish you all the best, Illiana! I’m glad you are still able to blog a bit despite all you have going on 🙂
I had 21 cases of books when I moved across the bay from Berkeley to San Francisco. Gosh I don’t even want to think how much more I have accumulated since moving here!
I’m sure it’s difficult to leaving a book club that you’ve been part of for 14 years. That’s a really long time! But you’re just 4 hours away so it isn’t that bad. 🙂
Ahh, the joys of moving! A couple of weeks ago I moved from southern IL to western KY (only a 1 hour move). I used egg boxes to pack my books up in, they were a perfect size to get a lot of books in there without them getting too terribly happy. I would say that I had at least 15 of them.
Anyways, good luck with your move! Hope it goes smoothly. I can say for certain that I definitely do not want to move anytime in the near future (though we probably will be in the next 1-2 years when we finally purchase a house). Good luck!!!
I hate moving more than just about anything!! Now that I have 10X more books than I had when I moved in this place, it would be even worse!
Glad to see you are happy about the move. Sorry about leaving your book groups. Hopefully you will find groups you like just as much in Austin!
Andi – The packing sucks but I think it’ll be all worth it 🙂
Lisa – Hope you try out making your own little book. And, oh I like your idea of winning the lottery and just leaving everything behind. Then I wouldn’t mind moving so much either! 🙂
Carl V. – It seems to fit me way too often too! It is hard to have books put away isn’t it? And, I’m going to sell & donate books tonight. Oh super sad 😉
Nancy – In a way I guess it’s not too bad that I had to box them all up. I actually organized them by author, genre, etc. So maybe this means I won’t “lose” books in the shelves anymore!
Greer – Thank you! I will try to keep up with the blogging. It’s so much fun and I don’t want to miss out on all the book talk everyone has 🙂
Matt – Oh no, if that move to Hong Kong comes through what will you do! I was feeling kinda sad earlier this week when I thought about book groups but Austin has a lot of bookstores (even indie ones) so I’m sure I’ll find a new book group.
Tara – I get the feeling we’ll be in the same boat. We’re going to rent an apartment first and then of course we’ll want to move to a house. Ugh. I’m saving all the book boxes!
stephanie – When I moved to Dallas from Austin years ago I hardly had any books… But once I got into a house I started accumulating books. I was finally able to give free reign to my hoarding tendencies. Oh dear, now I’m going to pay for being a packrat 🙂
Best wishes in your move.
Oh, wow! My computer hasn’t been working well, and I’ve obviously missed a lot. How exciting to moving to Austin – so much going on there!
Good luck with the move hope Austin turns out well for you. Remember to let us see pictures of the new house once you’re settled.
It’s nice that it’s not TOO far between Dallas and Austin. You can get up there for visits fairly easily. Not like moving across country or out of state.
Good luck with that monkey brain. I seem to get it a lot when I’m tired. Especially when I’m trying to fall asleep. List-making seems to help somewhat. So does bourbon! 😉
Ah, that monkey mind! Always a challenge 🙂 Thanks for the reminder about Estella’s Revenge, must go check it out!
Isabel – Thanks girl! Hope you had fun with your family this weekend.
jenclair – It kind of took us by surprise too 🙂 Austin is a great town.
Jodie – Thank you! I need to take pics of the book boxes. Oh so many of them!
Les in NE – That’s definitely true. I’ll be leaving behind some dear friends here so I know that at least we can visit each other somewhat regularly. I’ll have to look into that bourbon recipe – ha,ha!
Gentle Reader – Isn’t it? I hate it when I can’t seem to get out of that cycle! Enjoy Estella’s. Always so fun to read it.
Girl, I totally empathize with you on the packing. I find that to be one of the hardest things about moving. I actually enjoy getting settled into a new place more!! I am sending lots of positive vibes your way!
Oh, don’t mention boxes of books! Every day, when I walk past my bookshelves I keep thinking how I am going to have to pack them up in a few weeks. I’m glad to hear your packing is going well. I would laugh if you are moving after us (we’re re-locating end of June), as I haven’t done anything yet, other than find a new place to live. 🙂