Between books, running my usual weekend errands, and going to the movies, I’ve been sifting through a package StarGirl sent me.
She has always saved interesting articles for me, or given me books that she knows I might enjoy but now that we live in different cities she’ll surprise me with packages containing a little bit of everything.
Aside from a nice, long letter this package had a book of plays by Hispanic women. Sliding out of the package was also an itty, bitty book Wormwood by G.P. Taylor. At forty pages, this is a story of Good vs. Evil.
There were lots of newspaper articles tucked within the brown envelope. One article from Voceron News, a biweekly bilingual newspaper, was celebrating Frida Kahlo’s legacy.
Also included, are articles on “breakout” Chick Lit. Stories that are still about young women sorting out their careers and looking for love while wearing the latest fashions but these Chick Lit novels are grittier and feature headier issues. Let’s just hope that really is the case.
And, lastly there was an advertisement for a new magazine store in StarGirl’s neighborhood. I’m so jealous – why doesn’t my Borders carry magazines devoted to Japanese toys, Belgian fashion and Burlesque. I’m sure I’d find something interesting in those magazines to report in here.
See why I love getting these packages. Now it’s my turn to send her something back. Let’s see if I can come up with some equally exciting mail.