Packing is going well but I’m tired. On top of that I’ve had to take a Zyrtec (must be all the dust) so I’m kind of wiped out tonight. Thankfully Tiffany tagged me for this meme so I actually had something to post tonight. Hopefully more bookish stuff tomorrow.
- Maybe I should… treat myself to a facial or hair cut. It’s been a long while.
- I love the smell of… coffee, vanilla, a bakery.
- People would say that I… smile a lot and am a good friend.
- I don’t understand why… wars still happen.
- When I wake up in the morning… I usually want to lounge in bed with a book. I’m not really a morning person.
- I lost my will power to…give up caffeine and chocolate.
- Life is wonderful with… great friends, good books and a lot of love.
- My past made me… appreciate where I am now in my life.
- I get annoyed when… I have to go to the post office.
- Parties are not… something I go to a lot lately.
- Dogs are… very cute, especially labs.
- Cats… need to stay away from me as I’m allergic to them. I like them – just from a distance.
- Tomorrow I am going to… continue packing and go out to dinner with a friend.
- I have a low tolerance for… snobs.
- I’m totally terrified of… hospitals.
- I wonder why I thought my life would be… Hmm, this is a hard one to answer.
- Never in my life…will I say “never” again! (I stole this from Tiffany)
- High school was something that… was fun for the most part. Plus I met some of my best friends in high school!
- When I’m nervous… my heart races and I start a worry cycle.
- Take my advice… don’t hold grudges. They are a waste of time and energy.
- Making my bed is…something I hardly ever do.
- I’m almost always…reading.
- I’m addicted to… books and chocolate
- I want someone…to do all the packing, moving and unpacking for us.
And, I’m going to be a bit bad and not tag anyone but if you want to play have fun!
What a fun meme. The prompts help you out enough so you’re not really stuck but still lets everyone’s be different.
Good luck with the packing!
Great answers! Enjoyed reading them! Hope all goes well with you for the moving. 🙂
“I lost my will power to…give up caffeine and chocolate.”
Me too. I don’t even try anymore.
What a fun meme. And I really like your answers.
Great answers! I’m with you on the coffee and chocolate.
I feel for you and all the dust. My head stuffed up in sympathy. Enjoyed your meme answers. Don’t forget to take time for a break now and then!
Nice! Thanks for doing this in the midst of the move!
Hope your allergies (and mine) get better soon.
I’m terrified of doctor’s offices and hospitals, too. Blech.
I’m addicted to books and chocolate, too. Great answers! Fun meme 🙂
aka Nik – It was cute wasn’t it? There was just that one that I couldn’t come up with anything!
Melody – Glad you enjoyed it! The packing is going well… Although I’m kind of in a bad mood today and just don’t want to do anymore! ha,ha..
Nymeth – Exactly! I mean, why even bother right – those are just too good to give up 🙂
Chris – I think we need to form a group of books, coffee & chocolate lovers 🙂
Stefanie – Aw thank you! I’ve even tried wearing a dust mask but that’s not very comfy.
Tiffany – You betcha – thank you for the tag 🙂
danielle – Aren’t they awful? My heart starts to race and bleh. I try to remind myself of yoga breaths but it’s like I forget everything.
Gentle Reader – I think those are good things to be addicted to 🙂
I say that as soon as you finish your packing, treat yourself to a facial. You deserve it.
Very fun to read, thank you! Good luck with the rest of your packing.
The war question – Because there aren’t enough female leaders.
Big boys sometimes don’t know how to play!
I stole this.