I’m off to do some reading, attend a violin concert and enjoy visiting with my cousin this weekend. In the meantime, here’s a report from my bookish friend, StarGirl.
StarGirl really misses BookGirl, especially when it comes to book groups. Since moving to New Orleans a year ago, StarGirl has been searching high and low for a book group that met at a time that was convenient for her.
She found the place. It’s the Salon at Latter Library. The library used to be a private mansion. We meet in the room pictured at the top of the web site. Doesn’t the room just say “Salon”. The room is really inspiring to discussion.
The first book we read was Valerie Martin’s, Property, a story about slavery from an owner’s viewpoint that is partially set in New Orleans. During the meeting, we had coffee and white tea from Indonique.
The focus of the group will be 1/2 fiction and 1/2 non-fiction. November’s book will be the Life of Pi, by Yann Martel and December’s selection will be The Namesake, Jhumpa Lahiri.
If you are in New Orleans during the fourth Mondays of the month, please drop in. You will fall in love with the library and enjoy the discussion.