Something for the Weekend

bookfestivalIt’s that time of the year in Texas, it’s time for the Texas Book Festival! For one reason or another I have missed out on the last couple of festivals but this year I am planning to be there. Maybe not for the whole event but hopefully I can catch a couple of author readings, a look through the vendor tents and who knows maybe a bit of book buying too.

Another thing I want to do this weekend is finish Delia’s Shadow by Jamie Lee Moyer. This is my second R.I.P. Challenge read. A story with ghosts, a mystery and a dash of romance. I hope I can also read a few more short stories for the challenge.

Other than that, I hope to squeeze in a trip to the bookstore as I’m looking for some magazines. Hope you all have a great weekend ahead!

  1. October 25, 2013
  2. October 25, 2013
  3. October 25, 2013
  4. October 26, 2013
  5. October 28, 2013
  6. October 30, 2013