So Behind

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis here is proof that I’m so behind on things. A few days ago I received my latest copy of Art Journaling magazine which is the October through December edition. It’s hard to tell in this picture but below it is the July through September edition still in the plastic wrap!

So you would think that being behind on crafty projects, etc. would mean I might curtail some of my crafty spending but just like books, I have a hard time passing up a good deal and that’s what happened a couple of weeks ago when Freckled Fawn had a flash sale on washi tape. They had a lot of rolls starting at $1.50 each which is such a great bargain considering washi tape can sometimes run up to $5 a roll.

I tried not to go overboard on my order and just got a few rolls. Granted by the time I ordered later in the day a lot of the designs I liked were already sold out. Still I found some cute designs. Now I just have to put all of this wonderful tape to good use.

In bookish news this weekend, I felt like I needed a new story to add to my current reads and went with a romance by Mary Jo Putney. There is something very addictive about her books. I don’t read but maybe one or two romance novels a year but when I pick up one of her books I almost always finish it in a day or two. This time I’m reading Not Always A Saint, which I received via NetGalley.

Alright and now to get back to doing a bit of organizing before it’s time to go to bed. I’m determined to have a neat studio so I can get to some of those crafty projects soon. What have you been up to this weekend?

  1. October 5, 2015
  2. October 6, 2015
  3. October 6, 2015
  4. October 7, 2015
  5. October 7, 2015