Reading Notes

The year has already started off with some interesting reads. I’ve only finished one book so far, a good mystery which I’ll tell you about soon, but today I just wanted to share some tidbits on the books I’ve been shuffling on the nightstand.

afterthequake.jpgFirst, is After The Quake by Haruki Murakami. I’ve read two Murakami novels which I’ve thoroughly enjoyed but this short story collection is leaving me a bit unsatisfied so far. I think this particular collection is the reason why I sometimes feel like I don’t get a complete story with short stories. I’ve only read three of the stories here so far, which all have the Kobe Earthquake in common in some way, and while I’ve liked the characters I’ve encountered and appreciate the situations I feel like I’m missing something.

Has anyone read this and felt the same way? I will continue with it because like I said I enjoy the writing style and who knows maybe in the end it will all come together for me.

leavinghome.jpgMy other read is Leaving Home by Anita Brookner. Again, another writer whose previous novels I’ve read and have really liked. I’m not very far into this book so I’m still not quite sure about it but I always find something to relate to with Anita’s characters.

I like that she explores women at a crossroads in their lives and how they try to break free from traditions or what is expected of them. In this story the main character realizes that to gain freedom she must leave her mother and her home. Plus, I always like the author’s interesting word choices: intemperate, somnolescent, etc. Have you read any Brookner? Got a favorite?

chalkcircleman.jpgFinally, you know I have to have a mystery on the shelf right? So I am about half way through The Chalk Circle Man by Fred Vargas. Remember how I said I would love to work with Inspector Gamache from the Louise Penny books? Well, I cannot imagine working with Inspector Adamsberg. He is always distracted and he seems to be in his own little world.

Now, that’s not to say I’m not liking the mystery. Actually I am. I’m very intrigued by the little crimes that have been taking place and now something big has happened. I cannot imagine how it’s all going to be tied together so the author has definitely got my attention there.

So those are my current reads. I don’t know which I’ll pick up tonight or if maybe I’ll just throw in another book in the mix.

  1. January 12, 2010
  2. January 12, 2010
  3. January 12, 2010
  4. January 12, 2010
  5. January 12, 2010
  6. January 12, 2010
  7. January 12, 2010
  8. January 12, 2010
  9. January 12, 2010
  10. January 13, 2010
  11. January 13, 2010
  12. January 13, 2010
  13. January 13, 2010
  14. January 17, 2010