I just love getting recommendations from you guys. In case anyone missed out on the chick-lit post from yesterday, I asked if there were any good chick-lit choices out there.
Here are some of the titles that were recommended:
Serving Crazy with Curry by Amulya Malladi
The Little Lady Agency by Hester Brown
Elegance by Kathleen Tessaro
Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella
Inside I’m Screaming by Elizabeth Flock
Milk Run by Sarah Mlynowski
The authors that were mentioned most were:
Helen Fielding
Marian Keyes
Jane Green
Adele Parks
Allison Pearson
Jennifer Weiner
I may have to check these out. For now, I’m in the middle of some very entertaining suspense/mystery novels. I’m reading Tooth & Nail by Ian Rankin and Catch Me When I Fall by Nicci French.