Ok, I’ve definitely read more than my participation in the last Read-A-Thon but I did take a huge break for dinner so I kind of got behind. Of course now, I’m getting a bit sleepy so don’t know how much longer I’ll last before I have to go to bed. Anyway, I thought I’d do another quick recap of the Read-a-Thon so far:
Title of book(s) read since last update: Sisters of Misery by Megan Kelley Hall (finished) & The Serpent and the Scorpion by Clare Langley-Hawthorne (started)
Number of books read since you started: Finished 3 and am on my 4th book.
Pages read since last update: 280
Running total of pages read since you started: 603
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 2 hours
Running total of time spent reading since you started: 9 hours
Mini-challenges completed: 1
Other participants you’ve visited: I’ve tried to visit quite a few but am way behind. I get the feeling I’ll be doing a lot of bloghopping after the Read-a-Thon is over!
Prize you’ve won: 0
Alright, I’m going to continue reading but I may not be doing another recap until the final one. So good luck everyone and big thank you to all the cheerleaders!
Great job today. I am getting sleepy and I am just a cheerleader!! 🙂 I hope you had a great day and have a great night.
*smiles and cheers*
(page after page)
You’ve done really well Iliana!
Great job, Iliana!
You’ve done well. I look forward to hearing what you think of Sisters of Misery.
Great job I’m super impressed with your page count.
Excellent job!!!
dnt worry..it is done… and u did a great job at reading 😀
had fun right?!
Take rest and have fun
Kim – I couldn’t make it through the whole night but I definitely did better than my last participation so I’m excited about that 🙂
Marg – Thanks!
Andi – You were doing great last time I checked 🙂
tanabata – That was an odd book.. parts were great and a few parts got on my nerves but go figure that I want to read the sequel 🙂
Jodie – I hope I counted right – it was getting late! haha
Betty & Boo’s Mommy – Thank you!
Veens – Had tons of fun and I did go rest but here it is Sunday morning, not early, and I’m still tired 🙂