Hello Friends! Sorry I’ve been M.I.A. but I’ve been swamped at work. I have another busy week so posting may be a bit spotty for the next couple of days.
Aside from work, let’s see, I can tell you about all the rain we’ve been having. I don’t remember a Fall quite like this one. Unfortunately silt and debris from floodwaters have overwhelmed Austin’s ability to produce clean water which means today the City urged all residents to boil water before consuming. That’s is nuts. I’ve never seen anything like that here.
This certainly makes you think how fortunate we are to have clean water when there are so many in the world who don’t have easy access to it. I mean, I swear, it’s like the apocalypse here and we still have water we just need to be a bit more cautious and also remember to conserve it.
Anyway, I am reading but just haven’t made very much progress in some of my books and I think I may not complete my R.I.P. Challenge this year. I hope you are enjoying your R.I.P. reads or any other read and I will try to come back to this space soon. Have a great week!
Wow! I’ve been following your weather and it’s pretty crazy how much rain y’all have had! Feast or famine, right? Hope the clean water situation improves quickly. I’m hoping to start blogging about books once we get back from our trip. 🙂 Don’t work too hard!
Rain, rain, rain…yes, I have not seen it like this in my lifetime either. Though apparently the last time that many floodgates were opened at Mansfield Dam was in 1950’s (and during my birth year). We’re not in the ‘boil water’ area as we get our water from Lake Georgetown, but my husband works in Austin. And our daughter and son-in-law live in Austin. She said that HEB was nuts yesterday with people buying out the bottled water. As a nurse, she had more practical outlook and said that all it takes is boiling, etc. She was more concerned that the emergency services would have enough to use.
Don’t work too hard, Iliana. Looks like it will rain a bit more tomorrow and then we’ll have some sunshine – looking forward to that. It’s been a little too gloomy.
We truly do need to think about conserving water, although it is strange to think about it coming to mind with all the rain. Too much, too little rain seems to have been the only options for the last year. Hope the situation improves, Iliana!
It sounds like you have more rain headed your way, too, with the hurricane that’s hitting Mexico today or tomorrow. Hope you don’t flood!
Sending you and your neighbours good thoughts as you cope with the strain.
I hope work slows down for you some so you can catch a break. I am so sorry about your water situation. I hope the problem is resolved soon. Or is it something that just has to run its course naturally?
It’s like Joni Mitchell sang, “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.†I try to be appreciative of all the blessings in my life, such as clean water, and yet it’s so easy to take it all for granted. I don’t want to do that, for I am quite grateful. We have had wind rather than water, which took all the colorful leaves in preparation for November. I can’t believe Thanksgiving is in a few weeks! As for the R.I.P. XIII Challenge, I have only read one, Needful Things by Stephen King. And I had planned at least three more! Publishers aren’t going to send me books to review anymore… 😉
Les in OR – It’s been nuts. Have never really seen a Fall like this one and finally our water is back to normal. Yay. Been loving your travel photos and hopefully you didn’t get to experience any of our weather while you were traveling through Texas!
Kay – I can only imagine what your daughter must have been dealing with at work. Because I work for a major distillery we also were dealing with this in a big way. So glad all is back to normal but I just can’t get over all this rain. I typically don’t mind rain here and there but it’s been so much.
Jen Mullen – So true. This really made me think of how many people around the world don’t have the luxury of clean accessible water. We take it for granted and we should be working on finding ways to conserve and get water to people who need it!
Lark – It’s been a bit nuts but luckily our area didn’t get any flooding. I’m glad we put a new roof on the house earlier this year that’s for sure!
Buriedinprint – Thank you! It was tough and I can only imagine how much harder it was for people who are disable or elderly folks who can’t deal with taking additional steps to boil water and such. Our city did a good job I think of getting water to people in need.
Literary Feline – Last week was definitely rough but I’m finally seeing the light 🙂 Luckily the rain did stop for a few beautiful days so I think that really did help.
Bellezza – You’ve got that right! I can’t believe Thanksgiving is here so soon either. I’m ready for it though, I’m thinking extra days off from work to enjoy some downtime, nature and books 🙂 I hear you on being behind on reviews. Oh boy am I behind. Loving your travel pictures by the way!