It’s been a movierama and book-a-thon weekend at my house. Friday we spent the evening at Border’s and I checked out new magazines – Real Simple, Allure, and even Romantic Times Book Club magazine. I don’t read romances but this magazine also reviews mysteries so that was an interesting find.
I’m still making my way through The Shadow of the Wind. It’s so wonderful that I’m almost delaying the end. I find myself putting it down more often and picking up other books. I want to know how it ends and at the same time I don’t. Has that ever happened to you?
And, today we spent all day watching movies. Finally saw Monster, which was good albeit depressing, and we also saw Happenstance, a very fun and quirky French film with Audrey Tautou of Amelie fame.
I think I’ll go do some more reading now. Hope your week starts off right.