Hi Friends – I hope you are all doing well and your reading year has gotten off to a great start. I’m sorry for the continued silence around here but it’s been a rough month to say the least.
My mom’s recovery from her partial hip replacement has been going well however last week she started complaining about pain in one of her hands and I thought it was probably just because she was leaning too much on that hand when she used her walker.
When her physical therapist saw her she didn’t think it was too concerning. Unfortunately things continued to get worse and then I noticed a rash. Shingles. I feel so bad for my mom because she’s in so much pain and I’m sure we’ve both cried several times over her pain. I just wish I could take it away from her and feel like there’s nothing I can do.
My husband continues to be such a strong support for me and we manage to carve out a bit of time each day to watch a show or have lunch together. I have a very demanding job but I do work for a great company and luckily I’m still able to continue to work from home and they’ve been very supportive. Of course my friends and family all keep in touch and knowing I have them thinking of us makes me feel comforted.
Needless to say this space is going to be a bit quite for the time being. I’m so exhausted and have not been reading aside from a poem a day. I miss my books and my time with books and blogs but I hope for better days ahead. Once again I ask you for good thoughts and prayers. I miss you guys and thank you for hanging in there waiting for me. Take care and stay safe!
Oh, Iliana, I am so sorry to hear about your mother’s shingles. My mother had it, and it affected her sciatic nerve. It was the most agonizing and awful experience possible. Your mother certainly didn’t need that excruciating pain at any time, but especially after hip surgery. I will thinking about you and hoping you will get enough rest to deal with everything you have to deal with now.
Oh, Iliana. I was just wondering how you were doing and checked in here yesterday to see if I had missed a post or two. I was so glad to see this post today, but am so sorry to hear that your mom is not doing well. Shingles is awful (I’ve had it twice) and I hope it doesn’t last too much longer. Between work, caregiving and spending time with your husband, it’s no surprise that something has to move to the back burner. We’ll be here when you return, but meanwhile do take care of yourself, too. Sending good thoughts your way. xoxo
Aww, hugs to all of you. I hope the situation improves more quickly than expected.
Iliana, I’ll add my thoughts and prayers for your Mom and also you and your husband as she goes through this tough time. I had also missed you. You take your time. We’ll be around when you feel you can post again and in the meantime, take care of yourself too. Hugs!
Oh your poor mom! I’m so sorry. It’s so hard when you can’t take away someone’s pain, or make it all better for them. Hang in there! I’ll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, no! I’m so sorry you are all having such a tough time. Shingles can be so painful and I know the feeling of wanting to take away another’s pain. You will all be in my prayers… take care.
I know they don’t do much, but sending positive thoughts your way. I’ll be thinking about you and your mom. So sorry for all the struggles. It always feels like the ride post-surgery/illness is so much harder than the surgery/illness itself. Please give yourself a lot of grace and take it as easy as your mind and responsibilities lets you. I hope this passes very soon.
It’s okay to take time away from the blog & reading — to help with your Mom. I’m so sorry she has shingles now. Ugh. I am thinking of you & your struggles and wish you well. take care of yourself & get some sleep too.
I’m so sorry to hear about your mom’s condition, Iliana. I understand your concern and your worry and I hope your mom will recover soon. Sending positive vibes her way and please also take care of yourself too. (Hugs)
All good prayers your way! I hope things look up soon and your mother gets some relief soon. It’s definitely OK to take a break from the blogging world till then. I’m glad you have a good support system — lots of hugs! Hang in there.
Iliana, somehow, I missed this post and I just wanted to say you and your mom are in my thoughts. I hope by the time you read this that she is feeling better and stronger.
I am so sorry for all your mom is going through, Iliana. I hope she is feeling better. Take care of yourself too. Sending positive thoughts and well wishes your way.