Because you really want to know what form of poetry you are, here is another quiz via the Happy Booker.
What am I?
I’m terza rima, and I talk and smile.
Where others lock their rhymes and thoughts away
I let mine out, and chatter all the while.
I’m rarely on my own – a wasted day
Is any day that’s spent without a friend,
With nothing much to do or hear or say.
I like to be with people, and depend
On company for being entertained;
Which seems a good solution, in the end.
In other bookish notes, I finished two really good books recently. You can read my reviews for Except the Dying by Maureen Jennings and Love is a Mix Tape by Rob Sheffield by clicking on each title.
This reminds me of the Guardian’s Valentine Love Poetry Quiz recently. What love poetry are you?,,649066,00.html
My result was a little too close to home, so I’m not posting it at the moment. 😉
I am the tanka.
The attention of others
Is unnerving, and
Since I try not to draw it,
I’m left alone. Which is good.
… strange!
Hmm. I’m a tanka, too. Not sure what that is…
I am heroic couplets; most precise
And fond of order. Planned and structured. Nice.
I know, of course, just what I want; I know,
As well, what I will do to make it so.
This doesn’t mean that I attempt to shun
Excitement, entertainment, pleasure, fun;
But they must keep their place, like all the rest;
They might be good, but ordered life is best.
…eerily accurate
Dark Orpheus – I took the VDay quiz and got a John Donne poem.
SciFiChick & Danielle – That is an odd one huh? I need to go find some poems in the tanka form and see what I think.
Stefanie – Too cool!
I’m Terza Rima aswell! 😀
How cool! I’m going to do this quiz tomorrow at work.
Anyone feel that their results are “accurate”? Because the adjectives used to describe me are usually: intense, serious, sober, trustworthy.
So how did I end up as a blank verse? I would like to be a blank verse, but a sonnet would be much nicer.
I am, of course, none other than blank verse.
I don’t know where I’m going, yes, quite right;
And when I get there (if I ever do)
I might not recognise it. So? Your point?
Why should I have a destination set?
I’m relatively happy as I am,
And wouldn’t want to be forever aimed
Towards some future path or special goal.
It’s not to do with laziness, as such.
It’s just that one the whole I’d rather not
Be bothered – so I drift contentedly;
An underrated way of life, I find.
Dark Orpheus – I talk and smile a lot so at least part of the results were “accurate” for me 🙂