Type of Writing

Heather recently tagged me on a one question meme. Should be easy right?
“What’s your Favorite Type of Writing? And, I should mention, your favorite type of writing to do as opposed to your favorite type of writing to read.”

My love affair with writing started when I was in fourth grade and I decided I wanted to be a writer. I wrote a story about two girls and a treasure hunt. I drew the picures and even bound my little book using yarn as ties, and I gave it to one of my teachers. I know she still has this. Oh man, can I get it back? ha.

In college I graduated with a Journalism degree although I had no plans on becoming a reporter. My concentration was in public relations so I spent some time working for PR firms and also working in marketing. I got to do a lot of writing but it was all about how wonderful our clients were. So to fill my need for creative writing I signed up for creative writing classes and workshops any time I could.

Over the years I’ve dabbled in short stories and poetry. I actually have had several poems published in small journals so that is something I’m quite proud of, and at one point I thought I’d write a novel. I think almost every reader has had this idea right? But for now, I’m quite happy being a reader. Who knows, maybe one day that yearning will come back and maybe not. I still enjoy writing poetry and I have scribbles written everywhere but the one writing that’s always been a constant for me has been my journaling.

Here is proof that I like to journal. These are only a few of the journals I have filled over the past couple of years.

I won’t tag anyone else because it’s Sunday and I’m being lazy but if you want to borrow this please go ahead. I would love to hear some of your thoughts on the type of writing you like to do.

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Meet the Author

I just got home from going to the Ian Rankin book signing at one of local Borders. What fun that was although at first I wasn’t so sure it was going to be a good experience. The podium and 40-some chairs they set up for the reading was only a few steps away from another event, a live broadcast for some radio station. Hello? Who thought this was going to work. Luckily the radio folks packed up their gear and left pretty soon after the talk started.

Ian Rankin talked about his latest book, The Naming of the Dead, which has Inspector John Rebus tracking the murderer of a recently released criminal. Meanwhile, most of the other officers are trying to provide security for the G8 Summit. Oh wow, does this mean Rebus might get to meet George W. Bush and give him a piece of his mind?

The author also talked a bit about what it’s been like to write for the past 20 years the Rebus character. The next book he is working on is actually the ‘retirement’ book but he said he still has a lot of options for Rebus. He could “stop the clock” and just not let him age as he’s been doing since the series started, or he could have him retire and come back to provide assistance on special cases. Either way, I’m thinking Rebus still has a lot of work left to do. At least I hope so.

Well, Ian Rankin sounds like he’s a busy guy too. Aside from working on the next Rebus novel he’s also got a novella about an art heist set in Edingburgh and will be serialized in the New York Times starting on May 3rd. He is also working on a comic book for DC Comics and a libretto for a Scottish opera.

I got my book and stood in line for a good while and when I finally got to meet Ian Rankin I told him that I’d just discovered his books not too long ago and I had just finished reading Mortal Causes earlier this year. He said he hoped that I continued with the books as I haven’t even gotten to the good ones yet. Oooh…

Here’s my signed book! For any of you who like police procedurals I highly recommend this series.

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Slow Going

I don’t know what it is but I feel like I’ve been reading the same two books for a while now and I’m not making much progress. Granted I haven’t had as much reading time this week as I’ve gone out a couple of nights to meet up with friends but I guess I just want to start something new too. Do you ever feel that way?

I’m still reading Astrid & Veronika by Linda Olsson and I’m really enjoying this book. The pacing is slow which works well to savor some of the descriptions. And, overall I really like the theme of friendship in this novel. There’s a lot more and I promise to have a review.

My other book is Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin. I’m only on page 70 or so and already I’m trying to figure out how this medieval coroner from Salerno will find out who murdered some children in England.

So this weekend I hope to make some progress in both books and I’m sure I’ll throw in another to my reading pile. But, you know what I’m super excited about on Friday? Ian Rankin is going to be at one of the local Borders to discuss his latest book, The Naming of the Dead. I’m so there! I promise to let you know how that goes.

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