I was all excited when I got several packages today that I started ripping into them without paying much attention and imagine my surprise when the Amazon box I opened had this.
What the heck?! This isn’t a book. Oh right, this is some bike stuff my husband orderd. I told him now I need a present to make up for such disappointment. Ha.
I can’t complain though because I got a couple of books I’m very excited about. First one is a book I bought based on some reviews I remember reading from some of you guys in blogland, Ravens by George Dawes Green. See, I do like some gritty crime fiction. I just hope this one is more to my liking as opposed to the book I mentioned in my previous post.
The other book I got was A Shortcut to Paradise by Teresa Solana. This is a murder mystery set in Barcelona (I love Barcelona!) and it is a satire on the world of writers, literary critics and agents.
My other book is from BookMooch, which I hadn’t used in such a long time, but I was looking for a book for one of my book groups and I lucked out. I got Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz. I cannot tell you how long it’s been since I’ve read one of his books. Maybe 15 years?
You know what I really would like to do? Go on a bit of a splurge at Half Price Books. It’s been a while. Not that my shelves are running empty but you can never have enough books. So have you gotten any good book packages lately?
NO! I can’t participate in reading ARCs and posting them right now due to school.
I am borrowing a lot from the libraries, though.
I am going to add a new photography book or two to my bookshelves – America and the Tintype by Steven Kasher (hopefully another is hiding in the form of a christmas present! 🙂 – Also, Claire had some books she is trying to get off her shelves to make room for new ones so I should be getting some sent my way soon.
At some point, I need to revisit the shelves and see what needs to go to create some space for new ones. I want next year to be a year of reading.
I love Half Price Books! I haven’t been there in a while myself. I’ll have to go on a little splurge also… By the way, I really enjoy your blog!
I received a review copy of Beautiful Disaster by Laura Spinella lately, which I’m reading right now. It’s good so far. I also received a Christmas package from a good friend yesterday which totally brightens up my day!
Have a great day, Iliana! I hope more books are coming towards your way. 🙂
What a disappointment!! I am hoping to get some books for Christmas, so I am careful not to open any packages that show up unless I know for sure they are mine to open.
heh, what a suprise to expect books and find a bike part instead. It is pretty though. Would make a good ornament 😉
If I ever open an amazon box and find bike parts, someone will be in big trouble 😉 I’ve done lots of Christmas shopping with amazon this season so have had several fun packages. I do have one coming for myself with the newest Julia Child book. And I just downloaded several Jane Austen-ish books on my Nook. If only we had gotten a snow day today and I could be home reading.
I love the Odd Thomas books! And Ravens is…different. But in a good way I think.
lol about the bike part!
I really enjoyed Odd Thomas.
Ooooh! Odd Thomas is one of my all-time favorite books!!! I didn’t care as much for the sequels, but this one’s a winner.
I got a couple of new cookbooks for my birthday (Tyler Florence’s Family Meals and Pam Anderson’s Perfect One-Dish Dinners), as well as a few books during our employee discount days. Can’t remember all the titles off the top of my head. Suffice it to say, my stacks are beginning to topple!
It has been a few weeks since I received a package with books in it. I did get the 2010 Persephone catalogue that I ordered though and am really looking forward to seeing what books I might add to my list from that.