I know there’s still time left on the 2008 reading challenges but I’ve decided to throw in the towel on some as I know there is just no way I’m going to complete them by the end of the year. So, unfortunately I’m out of the Orbis Terrarum challenge and My Year of Reading Dangerously challenge. I’m especially bummed out about the Dangerous challenge because I had started off so well on that one and then things just stalled.
I don’t think I’ll finish the What’s In a Name challenge but I’m leaving that up there as I’ve finished one additional book for it (review to come) and maybe I’ll even get to another. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I finish the First in a Series and the Seconds challenges. Thank goodness for mystery series because really that’s the only reason I seem to be doing so well on those two.
Anyway, I wanted to do a bit of housekeeping and free up my sidebar because of course I’m already contemplating which challenges to join in 2009. If you’ve checked out the challenge blog you’ll see that new ones pop up all the time and so many sound very tempting.
I had told myself that I was only going to join shorter challenges next year – like only 4-6 books – but then my friend Isabel is hosting the 9 for 09 challenge and I can’t say no to her. I’m seriously considering the Latin American challenge, my husband thinks I should do the German challenge and I just saw the latest What’s in a Name II. Oh so many good ones.
I’ll post on each individual challenge I join with my list of books, because that’s part of the fun, and I’ll do another end of the year post to track my progress. For now, I’m just excited to say that I have been sticking to my plans for the most part and going with books from my stacks. Yay.
So how about you, how are you doing on your challenges and have you decided which ones to do next year?
You’re not alone, Iliana! I feel the same way as you on the 2008 challenges! I don’t think I’m able to finish them no matter how hard I try… then again there’s my ever-changing reading mood. *sigh*
Still, I’m looking out for 2009 challenges because I just couldn’t resist them! They’re soooo addictive, aren’t they?! ;P
I’m probably going to limit myself to the 100+ challenge, and then maybe do some monthly challenges next year. (I’m already planning my list for R.I.P. IV!) The What’s In a Name Challenge looks really, really tempting…
I am going to almost get there with my challenges for this year I think. For next year, so far I have only signed up for the general ones – like 100+, Pub 2009, support your library challenge – in other words challenges where you don’t need to list specific books.
I will probably sign up for the Romance challenge as well, but then I read a fair amount of romance and therefore the completion of the challenge will be quite easy unless I do name specific books. In other words, I don’t know what I am going to do!
I have also joined the Orbis terrarum – and just 1 book and i m done YAY! and i m sure i will be able to finish it 🙂 !!
Apart form this chk out my challenges –
1) Orbis again 😀
2) A- z challenge
3) whats in a name
4) suspense and thriller
5) Romance
6) 1 % challenge!
uff! i m alreading feeling depressed 😀
I have a few that aren’t going to make it either. But as long as we’re having fun, that’s all that matters, right? 🙂 I’m already signing up for ones I might not finish next year, too! LOL!
I’ve only got two going right now but I won’t be finishing them. And I am determined to not do challenges next year except for RIP. But then I said that this time last year too!
It’s all just for fun and encouragement, Iliana (I know you know that), so just do your best and enjoy your books – whether they fit a challenge or not! 🙂
Hmmm, I will check out that challenge blog to see if I am feeling motivated to take on one for 2009. They do always sound like such fun!
I always do that too. I have given up even signing up for now, at least until I am on a break from school or something.
Melody – My reading mood changes all the time too and most of my challenge lists are so different from when I first posted them. I swap out books all the time! And, yes challenges are so addictive 🙂
Ruth – I would like to limit myself to one as well and then do Carl’s challenges but I just know I’ll get sucked into some others 🙂
Marg – I would love to sign up for the library challenge – I think I could easily do that one but again my goal with the challenges is to make my way through my stacks of unread books. So far it’s helping! And, I’m going to be cheering you on for the 100+ challenge. So impressed 🙂
Veens – That’s great! I hope you can finish your challenge. You’ve got some good ones going on there for next year. I need to check out the suspense one. Oh no 😉
Lezlie – They are such great fun it’s hard not to sign up! I don’t feel bad about not completing challenges because the good thing is that all those books remain in my stacks and I’ll eventually get to them 🙂 I can’t wait to see what you sign up for!
Stefanie – Ha,ha… It’s hard not to get caught up in the challenges isn’t it. Now aren’t you going to do the Once Upon a Time Challenge? didn’t you do that this year?
Joy – Exactly! Another great part about the challenges for me has been reading outside of my comfort zone – like the graphic novels and the sci/fi stuff. So cool!
Christine – I’d recommend doing either a shorter challenge or maybe trying one of Carl’s challenges – those usually run for a couple of months so it seems easier to keep up with them! I hope you will do one chica!
Jessica – I thought about not singing up but I just know I have no willpower 🙂
I’m only doing one challenge and I’m totally flunking it. But, that’s because I’m focusing on hacking down the ARC stack. Maybe next month I’ll get back to Canadian books.
I am doing the opposite sort of next year. I am going the 999 challenge and just a couple of other smaller ones. I have been careful with my genres though to try and clear some of my TBR stacks. I don’t blame you for giving up on some, I seem to have really lost momentum this month.
The good thing about challenges is that it’s okay if we don’t finish them! So don’t worry about dropping some, sometimes it just has to be done. I’m definitely joining less of them next year as well…I’m not completely sure which yet, though. I’ll do Carl’s for sure, What’s in a Name II, and we’ll see what else.
Nope. None. Nada.
Well… maybe R.I.P. III…
Bookfool, aka Nancy – I totally know what you mean. My ARC stacks are so high. I guess we’ll always be behind on our reading right? 🙂
Rhinoa – I’ve heard quite a few people say that they are cutting back on challenges. Are we all getting challenged out I wonder? 🙂 Oh well, it’s always fun to make the lists but ultimately I’ll read what I’m in the mood for and that’s when my challenges stall.
Nymeth – Oh yes, Carl’s are a must aren’t they? What I like about those is that they are focused and short. I can handle that 🙂
Les in NE – Yea, you gotta be in the RIP one 🙂
I’ve become cautious about joining challenges. I’ve begun challenging myself, but not joining officially in many cases. :0 That way I don’t feel obligated.
I have at least a couple that most likely won’t get finished, My Year of Reading Dangerously being one of them. Oh well. Having fun is the point. I’m going to try to not join as many next year but I’m already planning on probably doing What’s in a Name 2, Orbis Terrarum 2, Lost in Translation, both of Carl’s, maybe Graphic Novels, and we’ll see… I can never stick to a set list even though they’re fun to make. ;P
I hear ya. I won’t be finishing my own challenge. *sob* lol
I have just be awaken to the fact that I haven’t signed up for any challenge for 2009! I have finished Russian challenge but haven’t managed to post anything to their blog (procrastinating…)!I need to get on the Chunkster challenge as I’m still one book away from the finishing line. I need to read two more for Booker challenge.
jenclair – That’s a good way of still doing some kind of challenge! I think what gets overwhelming for me is when you have to post on other blogs. I totally understand why those are set up and it’s great but then it does become a bit more of a chore. I get very lazy about posting on the other blogs 🙂
tanabata – Absolutely having fun is where it’s at! Oh and is there going to be another graphic novels challenge? That one was fun and I actually did finish it 🙂
Andi – Oh, poor you. Well, I say you really did set up a great challenge and tried to get us to read some amazing books. I”m still glad I did well at the beginning because I finally read Great Expectations! 🙂
Matt – I procrastinate or forget to post on the challenge blogs all the time! Well, the holidays are coming up so you may just finish your challenges yet. Good luck! 🙂
By attacking your TBR stacks, you did a great thing!
My goal for 2009 is to use challenges to whittle down my stacks. I am hoping to read different genres for 2010. I am tempted for the Latin American challenge, but unless I finish my stacks, I won’t start on it.
Hey, thanks for drawing my attention to the 9 for 09 challenge, that really sounds like a good one!
Isabel – Exactly… I’m planning to do that again next year. All challenge books must come from the stacks. That’s the only way I’ll remember to dig in the back stacks 🙂
avisannschild – I hope you do that one! It’ll be fun 🙂
I managed to finish Carl’s RIP challenge, but that’s the only one. Actually I have also read a short story a week, so I guess that counts as well (for Kate’s short story challenge). So far I am only contemplating two challenges for next year–Isabel’s and the What’s in a Name 2, though there are several others that do look tempting. Part of the fun is indeed the making of the list!