On Bookbinding

“You should know how to cut with scissors, fold with confidence and tear with verve.”
~ from How to Make Books by Esther K. Smith

I’m pretty good with the bonefolder and I think I’m getting quite good at that tearing thing too. Today was a fun day at the bookbinding studio. I actually did quite a lot as I had to sew fourteen signatures (I tore the paper last week and flattened it in a book press), glue them and then hammer away at them until I formed a nice rounded spine.

My new project will be another rounded spine book (I know, I still need to post pictures of the one I recently finished!) but this one will have a spring back. Still not quite sure how that works but I’m already looking forward to next week.

Right now I’m going back and forth on whether or not I should get How to Make Books. I have a nice collection of books on bookbinding so it’s not like I really need another book. This one also has a lot of the same structures found in my other books but it’s just a really nice book to look at too. Ok, I’m going to step away from the computer and think on it some more.

  1. January 17, 2008
  2. January 17, 2008
  3. January 17, 2008
  4. January 17, 2008
  5. January 17, 2008
  6. January 17, 2008
  7. January 17, 2008
  8. January 18, 2008
  9. January 18, 2008
  10. January 18, 2008
  11. February 5, 2008