On A Mission

Can we get a do-over of the weekend? So much sadness all over the world. It’s usually during times like these that I take a lot of comfort in books but unfortunately Saturday I was in an allergy haze and finally had to take some allergy medicine which just knocks me out.

Sunday was spent trying to catch up on things but unfortunately most of my reading was just of online news and that wasn’t encouraging. I have a book group meeting on Tuesday and I’m nowhere near finishing my book. The mystery hasn’t really grabbed me but I’ll tell you more about it after book group meeting. I’m curious how the others liked the book.

EASTHowever, I am on a mission. One of my dearest friends is coming to visit this weekend and we are going to be out and about enjoying Austin and especially the EAST Austin Studio Tour! I know I mention this event every year but it really is such a fun event.

The catalogs for the event are out at the local libraries but I stopped at one this weekend and they had already run out. So that means, I might be visiting a lot of libraries between now and Friday. Yes, you can find all about EAST online but I like collecting these.

Anyway, sorry for the lack of bookish news today but more soon. In the meantime, peace and hugs!

  1. November 17, 2015
  2. November 17, 2015
  3. November 18, 2015
  4. November 18, 2015
  5. November 18, 2015
  6. November 19, 2015