Despite this being a short work week it has seem endless. I’ve been busy at work and have had to run errands in the evenings so I am now ready to celebrate Friday and the beginning of what I hope will be a relaxing weekend.
I want to catch up on my reading. Aside from Emma, I’m also reading The Far Cry by Emma Smith and Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott. Other books that are clamoring for my attention are The Street of Crocodiles for the Slaves discussion and Snow by Orhan Pamuk for my foreign authors book group.
Maybe I’ll take a book with me to the bookstore tonight although I have a feeling the lure of new magazines will be too strong to resist. My husband and I haven’t had our usual date night at the bookstore in quite a while what with the holiday madness so I’m looking forward to camping out in the café until they kick us out when they close. I want to wander up and down the aisles of the fiction and mystery sections and who knows I may even take a peek over at the music section.
It’s time to head out to the bookstore now. Hope your weekend is off to a great start too!
Not that I didn’t enjoy the company of family and friends, but I’m all the more relieved that the holidays are over with. I can slowly get back into my routine of reading, writing, and attaining some personal space.
Just returned from the bookstore with a bag of loot, inclduing a vintage Quentin Crisp and some the books listed in Danielle’s blog.
Hope you’re enjoying Snow…I find Orhan Pamuk somewhat strenuous to read and hard to get into at the beginning, but patience always brings reward. 🙂
I’ve banned myself from bookstores for awhile. It seems that every time I got into one I lose all sense of restrain and leave with not one book but five.
Oh that reminds me, I still haven’t blogged about all the books I bought during the holidays!
That sounds like such a lovely evening! My husband isn’t a reader so going to the bookstore for him can be quite a chore. Although, if I tempt him with some sort of hot or blended coffee he’ll go. Gotta love the cafes!
UH-OH! I forgot about Street of Crocodiles. I really want to read that for our book discussion, but I haven’t even started on my classics and I have 2 other books I need to read for book club groups before I can. On the other hand, Crocodiles is short . . .
How are you liking Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith (Lamott)? I read it in 2005 and thought it was much better than Operating Instructions (I’ve also read Traveling Mercies and Bird by Bird). Plan B isn’t nearly as abrasive or foul-mouthed as OI and I enjoyed the collection of essays in spite of the heavy religious views. She’s quite a writer and had I owned the copy I was reading, I would’ve highlighted several passages. Her thoughts on parenting are extremely honest and thought-provoking and I found myself nodding (guiltily) in agreement several times. Definitely one to recommend.
Matt – Oh I hear you! I really am glad when all the forced celebrations are over 😉 I haven’t started Snow yet and to be honest I’m a bit apprehensive about it. Everyone keeps saying it’s rought at first. Sassymonkey – Don’t do it, don’t ban yourself from bookstores. Chelle – Yes, remind your husband of the coffee. You need your bookstore time! Booklogged – I haven’t started Street of Crocodiles yet either. Gah, I’m falling behind! Les – I’ve only read Traveling Mercies which I liked a lot. This one I’m enjoying however I feel as I’m skimming a bit on the essays that deal more with her as a parent. I’m sure it’s because I’m not a parent so I’m finding it a bit hard to relate but overall I’m liking the book. There’s one essay on her being a bridesmaid at 50+ which is absolutely hilarious.
I’m currently bookless and have strep, so can’t go to a bookstore. Somehow, ebooks just don’t do it for me. I’m envious of your bookstore time.
I’m also not sure what I WANT to read, but you always have interesting suggestions here. Street of Crocodiles is an intriguing title.
It’s SUCH a good idea to have date night at the library! What fun! A friend and I who both equally disliked teaching high school used to go to Books-a-Million in Jacksonville, NC on Friday nights to get away from everything and feel refreshed.